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Dependence Quotes
This section contains Dependence Quotes

And I am a conservative. Sometimes conservatives forget we are supposed to conserve, to save, to be efficient. Plus our dependence on other sources of energy is causing our country to not be independent and to really be vulnerable. So this is a security issue. (Quote by - Zach Wamp)

The ship of heaven guides itself and will not accept a wooden rudder. (Quote by - Ralph Waldo Emerson)

By reducing our dependence of foreign oil and increasing alternative energy sources such as ethanol, we can begin to bring down prices at the pumps, create thousands of new jobs and bring a much needed boost to our economy. (Quote by - Jim Ryun)

Between richer and poorer classes in a free country a mutually respecting antagonism is much healthier than pity on the one hand and dependence on the other, as is, perhaps, the next best thing to fraternal feeling. (Quote by - Charles Horton Cooley)

A few regular troops from old France, weakened by hunger and sickness, who, when fresh, were unable to withstand the British soldiers, are their general's chief dependence. (Quote by - James Wolfe)

Ethanol reduces our dependence on foreign sources of oil and is an important weapon in the War on Terror. By investing in South Dakota's ethanol producers, we will strengthen our energy security and create new jobs. (Quote by - John Thune)

He has willed - He wills incessantly - that the modifications of the mind and those of the body shall be reciprocal. This is the conjunction and the natural dependence of the two parts of which we are constituted. (Quote by - Nicolas Malebranche)

Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition. (Quote by - Thomas Jefferson)

At times, we were forced to go through a history of dependence, unable to determine our own destiny. But today, we are at the threshold of a new turning point. (Quote by - Moo-hyum Roh)

People may live as much retired from the world as they please; but sooner or later, before they are aware, they will find themselves debtor or creditor to somebody. (Quote by - Goethe)

If the United States is to protect itself from the economic and the political threats created by this excessive dependence, we must reduce our reliance on foreign energy sources and on foreign oil as quickly and as efficiently as possible. (Quote by - John Shadegg)

In war, when a commander becomes so bereft of reason and perspective that he fails to understand the dependence of arms on Divine guidance, he no longer deserves victory. (Quote by - Lucius Annaeus Seneca)

If women be educated for dependence; that is, to act according to the will of another fallible being, and submit, right or wrong, to power, where are we to stop? (Quote by - Mary Wollstonecraft)

Ethanol has reduced our nation's dependence on imported energy, created thousands of jobs, reduced air pollution, and increased energy security. And renewable fuels cost less at the pump. It is a growth fuel that fuels opportunities for millions of Americans. (Quote by - Lane Evans)

Every single instance of a friend's insincerity increases our dependence on the efficacy of money. (Quote by - William Shenstone)

He who imagines he can do without the world deceives himself much; but he who fancies the world cannot do without him is still more mistaken. (Quote by - La Rochefoucauld)

All charming people have something to conceal, usually their total dependence on the appreciation of others. (Quote by - Cyril Connolly)

I don't flatter myself with much dependence upon the present disposition of the Eastern Indians, who are many ways liable to be drawn into a rupture with us by the artifices of the French, their own weakness and the influence which the French Missionary Priests have over them. (Quote by - William Shirley)

I have always said there is only one thing that can bring our nation down - our dependence on foreign countries for food and energy. Agriculture is the backbone of our economy. (Quote by - John Salazar)

No degree of knowledge attainable by man is able to set him above the want of hourly assistance. (Quote by - Samuel Johnson)

If we don't continue to pursue alternative, emissions-free energy sources like nuclear fuel, we are at risk of increasing our dependence on costly natural gas. (Quote by - Judy Biggert)

In spite of our poverty and our economic dependence, we do not have to give in, neither because we are sometimes abandoned nor because of the wish of some nations to impose their economic or political models. (Quote by - Omar Bongo)

It is important that the United States move with all deliberate speed to develop and get into usage alternative fuels that will allow us to end our dependence on foreign oil. (Quote by - Virgil Goode)

As the cost of gasoline rises and our dependence on foreign oil continues to increase, the effect of sending over $100 billion each year to OPEC nations hurts every American. (Quote by - Paul Gillmor)

All creatures are united to God alone in an immediate union. They depend essentially and directly upon Him. Being all alike equally impotent, they cannot be in reciprocal dependence upon one another. (Quote by - Nicolas Malebranche)

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