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  Free Movies: Beware

Movie Name: Beware

A American film directed by Bud Pollard, and released by Astor Pictures. Ware College is a small Black college in Ware, Ohio. Once prominent, it is now low in attendance, low in enrollment, and low on money. At a meeting with instructors Drury and Annabelle Brown, Dean Hargreaves reveals that CEO Benjamin Ware III, grandson of the college's founder, claims the estate of his late grandfather is now also destitute, which they believe is untrue and a result of Annabelle's having spurned his affections. They decide to appeal to their famous alumni for financial help through a reunion, and invitations are sent. Many could help; but surely not Lucius Jordan, a timid lad who loved Annabelle too but dropped out under pressure from Ware. What they don't know is, he's now Louis Jordan, king of swing and leader of the Tympani Band. By accident, Jordan and his band's train is sidelined in Ware for repairs and when he learns of the college's plight, he agrees to pitch in. Though the stuffy faculty are unaware of his reputation, the kids are, and class attendance soars.