Accidents happen all over the drive. The high accident rate has been a concern for some time. (Quote by - Bob Nestle)
Not all individual employers are going to enjoy all of the savings because of the number of accident reports about the employer and the risk factor in their company. (Quote by - Susan Gard)
It's no accident when you pull this firearm and you aim it at two victims and you use your finger to pull this back. (Quote by - Pam Smith)
We have to maintain a level of smoothness. Sometimes there are accidents on stage, and sometimes we will perform with the audiences. The key is to make everything look easy. (Quote by - George Stavropoulos)
If this accident had not occurred, would this plan have gone forward and we would not have discovered it until it was actually put into place? And we don't know the answer to that question. (Quote by - Scott Wilson)
There has never been a major accident there, but because of the angle of the tracks, it's certainly a candidate for one. (Quote by - Carl Schoedel)
The four SUVs surrounded the accident. She saw one photographer come out of his car and start snapping away. (Quote by - Marcel Pariseau)
These guys aren't professionals by accident, ... They're very sound fundamentally, they execute well, they're extremely hungry and aggressive in their play. (Quote by - Bo Ryan)
It was the first car accident I had ever been in. It shakes you up a little bit. (Quote by - Matt Hasselbeck)
Deadwood was a place created by a series of accidents. A kind of original sin. (Quote by - David Milch)
We get a lot of calls to the Hannibal/Quincy exchange. It seems like there are a lot of accidents there, especially for traffic leaving Hannibal and going north to Quincy. (Quote by - Sam Reed)
Churches such as Pilgrim Baptist [one of Chicago's most historic black churches, which recently burned in an accident] have largely lost the vibrant community of middle-class blacks who built them up and now are struggling to attract a younger generation. While we value the architecture, it should not be at the expense of ministry, and oftentimes that's the dilemma that we're faced with. (Quote by - Michael Noble)
In Kentucky, there's been no discernible trend to the accidents. I don't know what's causing them, but it's very disheartening, that's what it is. (Quote by - Bill Caylor)
It was a little like being in a hit-and-run accident. (Quote by - Marin Alsop)
By many a happy accident. (Quote by - Thomas Middleton)
We believe that all of the damages related to this tragic accident have been paid. (Quote by - Mark Boudreaux)
We know they definitely weren't shooting at the bus, it appeared to be an accident, but it's still a violation of state statutes. He was shooting at a tree, was reloading, and it accidentally went off. (Quote by - Jeff Luther)
I don't know. It obviously was an accident, but you never know. He's their best player. We'll see what happens as the game goes along, but I really haven't thought about it too much. (Quote by - Ryan Whitney)
All of the money brought in will go to the families of the miners who died in the two accidents and to the survivor. It is a group effort, and lots of folks are involved and should be thanked. (Quote by - Carol Baugh)
I can hear the accidents as people cut through to get to Henny Penny. They think one way is safe and the other one isn't. You can hear the noise in here. (Quote by - Karen Moore)
There was a report of an ATV accident with injuries, (Quote by - John Kovach)
The straightened bridge effectively eliminates a high accident intersection, Route 1 and Monroe Avenue. Since January 2003, 57 collisions have occurred at this intersection. (Quote by - Richard Baier)
If there was an accident or a sudden stop on any of these vehicles, that bicycle would become a missile. And we feel that Muni has enough liability problems without adding to it. (Quote by - Ed Evans)
It's the primary spring trip for the program [since the accident] they have moved on to Sicily. (Quote by - Dennis Brown)
As for our interim project, it should help limit turning accidents in the area, but we might have more rear-end accidents. (Quote by - Dave Knight)