A happy accident. (Quote by - Madame de Stael (Baronne Anne Louise Germaine de Stael-Holstein))
There are obviously things that can lead to accidents... . The likelihood that you can have things lead to two accidents ... at the same time ... that's a pretty heavy coincidence. (Quote by - Bob Francis)
I've never seen that happen before. I've seen it in a pursuit, but not two separate accidents. The thing is, it could have happened to any car out there. (Quote by - Jeff Harper)
I think it would be doubly tragic if it does emerge this accident was, in part, caused by the persistent hounding of the princess and her privacy by photographers, (Quote by - Robin Cook)
At Freudenberg-NOK, we believe that all accidents are preventable, and therefore, unacceptable. Regardless of a company's level of profitability, safety is the one thing that can never be compromised. (Quote by - David Lawson)
The construction site is 100 percent the cause for the accident. (Quote by - Tara Hahn)
No kids who have come to Project Graduation have ever been in an accident that night. (Quote by - Troy Mauldin)
In that accident, we not only lost seven colleagues, we lost seven friends, ... They believed in space exploration. They knew the risks, but they believed in what they were doing. They showed us that the fire of the human spirit is insatiable. (Quote by - Charles Camarda)
With the high price of heating this year, we could see more accidents. But I would love to be proved wrong about this. (Quote by - Willie Williams)
We've got all nonessential office personnel, people who normally work the desks, out working traffic accidents. (Quote by - Wendell Brown)
The historian's job is to aggrandize, promoting accident to inevitability and innocuous circumstance to portent. (Quote by - Peter Conrad)
In the last year, we've seen the Ethan we knew before the accident. (Quote by - Howard Myers)
The recording obtained from the accident CVR was completely blank, with no conversations or aircraft noise heard on any of the four channels. (Quote by - George Black)
Everything that I believe he wrote, even about my daughter ... was not actual, the way the accident happened or anything. I never heard his name in connection with it. (Quote by - Marianne Sanders)
With this size accident you would expect a factual report in about three months ... and an analysis in nine to 12 months - it depends what they find. (Quote by - Peter Gibson)
It was an accident. You guys know me. I never do that. I just shot it out and it hit him in the skate blade. Maybe he had a sore foot. (Quote by - Scott Gomez)
With proper training, certainly this accident could have been avoided, (Quote by - Jim Knight)
We've had Mayo One land there several times because the accidents were so bad. (Quote by - Verdell Pettey)
It is a safety project and it is linked to accidents. (Quote by - Kris Carson)
Roads really aren't in bad shape. We've probably had 15 or 20 weather-related accidents in the region that required ODOT crews. The snow seemed to come down heavy from 5 to 8 a.m. (Quote by - Lou Torres)
Unfortunately, we're at the top of a really bad list, ... That is railway crossing accidents and fatalities. Although we're not a populous state, we rank in the Top 3 in railway accidents and the Top 5 in deaths related to railway accidents. We have as many dangerous railway crossing as just about any state, except maybe for California and Illinois. (Quote by - David Vitter)
At one printing factory producing Disney books, there are four to five accidents a week. People have lost their fingers and palms. (Quote by - Billy Hung)
There is no connection to the indictment and the accident that occurred outside of Dallas. They're trying to link him to drivers who made false statements in daily logs, in violation of DOT regulations. (Quote by - Charles Banker)
You look at everyone in the accident and realize that everyone's life could have ended then and there. (Quote by - Chad Encalade)
It's taking our officers much longer to respond to an accident because they have to fight their way through all of the traffic just to get to the scene, (Quote by - Don Kelly)