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Bargain Quotes
This section contains Bargain Quotes

Demand is likely to remain strong for a while. Households know bargains when they see them, and they assume mortgage rates like these may not be around for a long time. (Quote by - Joel Naroff)

We are declining to discuss the details of the bargaining. We're doing our bargaining at the table. (Quote by - Marjorie Anders)

We had a pretty pronounced sell- off, and now some people are doing a little bit of bargain hunting. (Quote by - Charles Lemonides)

Bargain hunters came out and turned things around. (Quote by - Art Hogan)

The house in Chappaqua is up for sale, ... and you can get it for a bargain on Wednesday. (Quote by - Rudy Giuliani)

We want to bargain with Hilton separately because it's the worst of the bunch. And we are concerned that Hilton is going to gather allies and do a lockout pact and assault us like they did in San Francisco. (Quote by - Eric Gill)

The Israelis would do better to attach no conditions and come back to the bargaining table. (Quote by - Saeb Erakat)

A lot of it depends on how close they actually come in bargaining. If the only thing that Northwest was willing to give was what it first put on the table, I'd say the chance of a strike was pretty good. (Quote by - Lowell Peterson)

It's just telling you that the selling has been done, and now investors are coming in looking for bargains. The bulls are back in the saddle. (Quote by - Peter Canelo)

Make your bargain before beginning to plow. (Quote by - Arabian Proverb)

My heart is a bargain today. Will you take it? . (Quote by - W. C. Fields)

We believe everyone is best served by allowing the collective bargaining process to move forward, and we are confident we will be able to reach an agreement with management prior to the end of the 30- day cooling- off period. (Quote by - Charles Giambusso)

The offense got clicking in the second half, and we didn't hold up our end of the bargain. (Quote by - Adam Roberts)

I try to honor that bargain that I made with myself that I wouldn't do this work unless I really felt the need to. I just didn't see the point. (Quote by - Daniel Day-Lewis)

We were out to get a lot out of collective bargaining. We achieved some good things for our members. (Quote by - Mike Old)

He was the only player they wanted. We were not in a very good bargaining position. (Quote by - Don MacAdam)

The AFL-CIO is a structure that divides workers' strength by allowing each union to organize in any industry, then bargain on its own, even when workers share a common employer. (Quote by - Andy Stern)

The Chancellor also in effect asks us to bargain away whatever obligation or interest we have as regards the neutrality of Belgium. We could not entertain that bargain either. (Quote by - Edward Grey)

It's well known that many pop- up ads are close to bargain basement prices now. (Quote by - Charlie Buchwalter)

I think it's a good bargain for the city. (Quote by - Richard Bolen)

I think consumers should see good bargains on a lot of stuff. The next few weeks we are really going to see the harvest pick up from all the growers who replanted after Hurricane Wilma. (Quote by - Ray Gilmer)

What they are saying is this isn't good enough. Workers want to be at the bargaining table and not the picket line. (Quote by - Dave Minshall)

The purchase is certainly no bargain. That would suggest, to the extent they have ambitions for a significant merger, they are concentrating on the London Stock Exchange. (Quote by - Benn Steil)

The JGB market got a lift from a pullback in equity prices here, with bargain hunters emerging. (Quote by - Masahiro Kami)

I'm an AEA member, I'm also the former spokesperson for the bargaining team that was let go in June. (Quote by - Gretchen Wehmhoff)

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