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Calculations Quotes
This section contains Calculations Quotes

Calculation never made a hero. (Quote by - John Henry Newman)

The June Grain Stocks report will provide the next opportunity to calculate the rate of domestic corn use. Whether or not these projections are changed in the upcoming report, the market appears to anticipate an eventual increase. Stocks of corn at the end of the current marketing year may be 100 to 125 million bushels less than the current forecast of 2.3 billion bushels. (Quote by - Darrel Good)

There is always something to upset the most careful of human calculations. (Quote by - Ihara Saikaku)

This is a very preliminary figure that could increase as additional damage is discovered and losses are calculated. (Quote by - Andy LaVigne)

We've made some calculations about whether we could put a plant in northern Minnesota, based on the debris that's left after you cut timber, like the tops of the trees. It's difficult to get enough together to support [an ethanol] plant. That material is scattered enough that it gets expensive to collect it all and bring it to one location. (Quote by - Vernon Eidman)

We calculate the amount spent [by Brethren and other anti- Green groups] was between $500,000 and $1 million - that's a huge amount for a state election campaign in Tasmania. (Quote by - Bob Brown)

It's important to understand the formula under which your benefits would be calculated. (Quote by - John Hotz)

The things we've done might look frantic, but they are calculated moves. Our objective is to win a championship. Being mediocre isn't OK with me, with ownership, or with [Coach] Brian [Hill]. We're taking steps with a goal of winning a championship. (Quote by - Otis Smith)

I don't think anyone can calculate the effect of having a Jew on the ticket. (Quote by - Ed Rendell)

When you can understand how much you're using in those areas, you can estimate a calculation of how much greenhouse gas you're emitting. (Quote by - Jeff Fletcher)

This is what analysts have calculated. It's a number that's out there and we're not arguing with it. (Quote by - David Kirk)

Because of the way this form used to work, it calculated the tax as if you had received the money over a five- year period. You would divide it into five equal parts and pay taxes on each of those parts which significantly reduced your tax bill. (Quote by - Cindy Hockenberry)

Calculated according to the catalogue price, China has spent nearly 40 billion U.S. dollars on purchasing planes from the United States. (Quote by - Li Jiaxiang)

Most definitions of a 100- year event were calculated before Ivan and Katrina. At this point, are the 100- year criteria good enough? (Quote by - Bob Hamilton)

You go through a lot of ways of rationalizing something like this. You go through all of the mathematical calculations. We did buy this team in hopes of having a rationalized business. We're not just going to throw money away, but this was an investment in the future of this team. (Quote by - Bruce Levenson)

The human story does not always unfold like a mathematical calculation on the principle that two and two make four. Sometimes in life they make five or minus three; and sometimes the blackboard topples down in the middle of the sum and leaves the class in disorder and the pedagogue with a black eye. (Quote by - Winston Churchill)

I understand that you were sent over in a very limited capacity, with perhaps the calculation that you didn't have this information. (Quote by - Arlen Specter)

By any rational calculation, Milosevic comes out of this much, much weaker. (Quote by - James Rubin)

At least the risks that we take are calculated risks, ... You see the complete picture and are able to walk down from there. (Quote by - Duncan Hunter)

It's not just the cost involved, ... But the potential impact to men and women in uniform is impossible to calculate .... There should be some type of punitive action taken. (Quote by - Curt Weldon)

In a tournament, even though there are team scores, it's calculated and it's a lot more individual. There is more honor to say you're not just better than the opposing schools' wrestler, you're the best wrestler in your weight class. Plus there are lot more awards to win in a tournament. (Quote by - Robert England)

The findings in this report should push DNR to better calculate reclamation bonds to protect Alaska's taxpayers and mining communities. (Quote by - David Chambers)

It has already been calculated in the projections. It's a difficult time for nurses, some may be leaving hospital. People are uncertain. (Quote by - Chad Chadwick)

There's no posturing, there's no calculation in whether or not something plays to a crowd. He's passionate about the things he cares about. He's pretty passionate about everything he does in his life. (Quote by - Steve Drake)

We calculated that we had about 49.25 percent of what was needed. This was allocated out to nursing homes, hospitals and private facilities. We received 5,432 doses of flu vaccine to redistribute. (Quote by - Glenn Martin)

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