The idealists and visionaries, foolish enough to throw caution to the winds and express their ardor and faith in some supreme deed, have advanced mankind and have enriched the world (Quote by - Emma Goldman)
But when that number reaches or exceeds 95, there is some caution that needs to take place. (Quote by - Brad Garrett)
More firm and sure the hand of courage strikes, when it obeys the watchful eye of caution. (Quote by - James Thomson)
This report is a slow boat to China, reflecting continuing business caution about hiring people. Facing unprecedented competition from both domestic and foreign sources, businesses are still focused on productivity gains with as few employees as possible. (Quote by - Sung Won Sohn)
This is our closer. Early in the year, you will err on the side of caution. (Quote by - Larry Davis)
At the present time we are leaning toward no association. But I would caution that that could change. (Quote by - Major Jim Branch)
The bird alighteth not on the spread net when it beholds another bird in the snare. Take warning by the misfortunes of others, that others may not take example from you. (Quote by - Saadi)
Caution: These verses may be hazardous to your solemnity. (Quote by - Russell Baker)
River running opportunities will be outstanding this year. However, river runners should use caution. Water levels could be very high during the peak flow period and also carry debris from recent forest fires. (Quote by - Ron Abramovich)
You obviously want to make sure you err on the side of caution when someone gets hit in the head or whatever. He said he felt OK, but we want to make sure there's no lingering effects. (Quote by - Willie Randolph)
While demand is still very strong, this is a caution to all the folks involved in residential construction out there. (Quote by - Kathy Deck)
A belligerent attitude whose grave consequences we caution against. It is an attitude which threatens the very essence of peace. (Quote by - Hosni Mubarak)
Businesses may react. We saw after 9/11 that there was some caution on the part of businesses regarding capital spending. (Quote by - Ray Stone)
With the caution that this is inherently a very volatile set of numbers - especially in July when seasonal swings are huge - the reported results were significantly softer than expected just about across the board. (Quote by - Ted Wieseman)
I spent that whole caution [before the green- checkers] thinking about different scenarios, but I really didn't know what was going to happen. He just drove down in there and slipped, and I got by on the outside. The Truck was awesome. (Quote by - Todd Bodine)
Despite the lopsided primary results, Archer cautioned his supporters not to take the general election for granted. We've come too far, built too many bridges, taken too many steps to be turned around, ... Something good is happening here. (Quote by - Dennis Archer)
I have learned to use the word impossible with the greatest caution. (Quote by - Werner von Braun)
It is better to err on the side of daring than the side of caution. (Quote by - Alvin Toffler)
Consumers are always concerned about the economy but the key is whether they are predisposed to increasing caution when it comes to spending. I think today's report demonstrates that the hurricanes had an ambiguous affect on spending. (Quote by - Michael Englund)
With technology stocks the watch- word is caution. What's happening now is that their valuations are reaching their earnings. Until we have those earnings catch up, any disappointments are creating huge volatility in the sector. (Quote by - Ram Kolluri)
Thoughtless risks are destructive, of course, but perhaps even more wasteful is thoughtless caution which prompts inaction and promotes failure to seize opportunity. (Quote by - Gary Ryan Blair)
I'll have to use a lot of caution. Hopefully, the situation will not come. (Quote by - Bernie Williams)
Caution is warranted given uncertainty about the consumer, rising interest rates, raw- material costs and pricing pressure. (Quote by - Robert Barry)
We caution against extrapolating too much from this figure to any individual company's outlook. The 6.9% figure does not necessarily translate to the average payment increase a given MA plan ultimately receives. (Quote by - Merrill Lynch)
A stop light not a caution light but a traffic light where they have to stop and let people turn, go straight, whatever. (Quote by - Sabrina Estes)