I know that money corrupts. I would rather have a clean government than one where "First Amendment rights are being respected," that has become corrupt. If I had my choice, I'd rather have the clean government. (Quote by - John McCain)
Today's range of cleaning product choices really allows people to use products that fit their personal cleaning routines and styles. Innovations in cleaning products are advancing constantly. It's a hallmark of our industry. (Quote by - Brian Sansoni)
Keep your blood clean, your body lean, and your mind sharp. (Quote by - Henry Rollins)
I never knew how many little things went into someone's death: choosing the right black patent leather shoes for the little girls to wear; finding out what day someone's paycheck stops; seeing suits and shirts, still in their dry cleaning bags, hanging in a closet. (Quote by - Lee Woodruff)
I haven't had time, but I'm going to certainly evaluate everything, but I do feel pretty good about this coaching staff. I feel very good about the work ethic and I feel good about the character. There are some fundamental issues - we have to get a lot better. All you have to do is watch the tape, we're not a clean team. But we're first year. Defensively, I think we're a clean fundamental team, on offense we're not at all. We'll evaluate that. .. We're going to certainly tweak how we do things. (Quote by - Urban Meyer)
Our citizens are entitled to breathe clean air and compliance with the Clean Air Act is not optional. (Quote by - Lois Schiffer)
Books are the best of things if well used; if abused, among the worst. They are good for nothing but to inspire. I had better never see a book than be warped by its attraction clean out of my own orbit, and made a satellite instead of a system. (Quote by - Ralph Waldo Emerson)
Even clean apples can be sour. (Quote by - Dutch Proverb)
Look, what really matters is how people are going to see his policies over the long haul. Over the long haul, they are going to see this administration as one that is committed to using new technology and new innovative approaches to clean the air, clean the water and clean the land. (Quote by - Karl Rove)
I didn't see a charge. He kind of turned just as Milan went to hit him. I thought it was a clean hit. He hit him solid. I think his head hit the glass. Milan hits hard, but he hits clean. It wasn't like the ref didn't see it. (Quote by - Don Hay)
Roy's first bath was to clean his clothes. His second bath was to clean Roy, that's what he told me. (Quote by - Joyce Tyler)
I'm clean, I've always been clean. But it never ends. It seems like every reporter from last season to this season has reported and opened up a new can of (expletive). And I haven't even been to spring training. At least let me get to spring training and (expletive) up before you crucify me. (Quote by - Barry Bonds)
Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the sidewalk before it stops snowing. (Quote by - Phyllis Diller)
These are long-standing, serious violations of the Clean Water Act which are causing great harm to salmon. Federal dam operators seem to think they are exempt from the Clean Water Act but they are not. (Quote by - Glen Spain)
The one thing we didn't agree with is (the proposed policy) not to take in healthy cats. We're trying to clean up the town and beautify it we don't want to see 40 healthy cats wandering around and animal control can't pick them up. It's not conducive to a good clean environment. (Quote by - Robert Peters)
It was crazy. I never saw that in 30 years. I've seen water. I was worried that we weren't going to clean it up. The coach and I were talking about what are they going to do if they can't clean it up..play tomorrow? Play in April?. (Quote by - Denis Freeman)
Wives, girlfriends, fiancees - clean out your closets. I'm cleaning out my old bell bottoms. We can touch millions. (Quote by - Deion Sanders)
I remember when you could t even mention environmental issues without a snicker. But then in the 7 s people got tired of seeing the Cuyahoga River catch on fire from all the chemicals. So one day millions of Americans marched. Politicians had no choice but to take notice. Twelve Congressmen were dubbed the Dirty Dozen, and soon after seven were kicked out of office. The floodgates were opened. We got the Clean Air Act, The Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water. We created the EPA. The quality of life improved because concerned citizens made their issues matter in elections. (Quote by - Senator John Kerry)
There is no infrastructure in the country, roads, electricity, lack of clean sanitary conditions, lack of clean water to drink. It just pulled at my heart strings to be honest with you. (Quote by - Chris Stone)
This is a states' rights and children's rights health issue. Clean air and a vibrant economy go hand in hand. It means Colorado has the right to do what is best for our own citizens and the tourism industry that is so dependent on a clean environment. This bill protects us from the very real costs of air pollution - lost tourism, children with asthma and children with learning disabilities caused by mercury poisoning. (Quote by - Rep. Anne McGihon)
When you get down so far, the only thing left is how clean the ambient background air is. It's basically clean air; it's as clean as its surroundings. (Quote by - Geoffrey Fong)
What vice could be worse than covetousness? What is more sinful than slander? For one who is truthful, what need is there for austerity? For one who has a clean heart, what is the need for pilgrimage?. (Quote by - Chanakya)
Comedy industry people, like club owners, comedians, managers, bookers and the like, all know it's harder to get laughs clean than dirty. So comedians who can get belly laughs working clean get props from those in the know. (Quote by - Judy Brown)
There's hypocrisy on all sides. Arab governments and their newspapers don't have a good record. They have to clean up their act. Muslim reaction is not credible in my eyes. They have a right to protest cartoonists and that right should be provided to do it peacefully. (Quote by - As'ad AbuKhalil)
It needs to be cleaned up. We want it to look like the Santa Maria Cemetery. The trash needs to be cleaned up. (Quote by - George Pierce)