I think she's crossing the Rubicon with the decision of hers and her allies to kill the impeachment complaint. (Quote by - Aquilino Pimentel)
The first complaint concerning violations of Article 5 of the European convention has been communicated. (Quote by - Yuri Shmidt)
The complaint .. describes my client being robbed in his own home. In Pennsylvania you are entitled to use deadly force to defend yourself. We would be foolish not to look at that. (Quote by - David Crowley)
In virtually all of the eligible complaints from Web users, we were able to resolve the situation to the user's satisfaction. Our goal is not to punish anyone; our goal is to resolve disputes. (Quote by - Dave Steer)
It's unfortunate that the DFL felt the need to file yet another frivolous complaint. (Quote by - Brian McClung)
The most common complaint of identity theft victims is they have to take time off work, .. I can't tell you how many people have called and said, 'I had to take a week off work.' . (Quote by - Beth Givens)
It's complaint-driven, which most public ethics bodies are. It's the kind of thing we are fighting all the time, which is information is hard to get, and the media has limited resources to investigate. The whole process is crippled. (Quote by - Bobbie Walton)
Nothing in this complaint has been reviewed by anyone in the party for approval or advice. (Quote by - David Brooks)
To say that we haven't received any (complaints) would not be true, but it has only been a handful. (Quote by - Tyler Barnes)
My second shot on No. 18 was into the wind, and I never fully committed to it. Unfortunately, one of my two bad shots today was on the last hole, but I still have no complaints about my round. That's just golf. (Quote by - Casey Clendenon)
That's an excellent question. I haven't seen the complaint yet. I don't know how they are charging it. (Quote by - Demetrius Fannick)
This year we've had no complaints, so we're taking that as a sign that everybody was pleased with the return policies. (Quote by - Denise Smith)
It's all about the immigration issue. It's in protest of what they consider to be their complaints with the immigration legislation. (Quote by - Dave Sheehan)
Complaints ranged from parking to trash left behind by the customers to loud music coming from inside the tavern, .. We?ve also received numerous complaints of juveniles inside the tavern, and as a result of that, we have made more recent tavern checks. (Quote by - Chris Sullivan)
Any complaint on their part of not knowing is just bogus. If they wanted to know, they could know, .. If I sound like I'm being blunt, this is irritating that they raise these issues at this late hour. (Quote by - Bill Robertson)
This count is then subject to a short complaints period and these complaints must be adjudicated. (Quote by - Peter Erben)
Every man may be observed to have a certain strain of lamentation, some peculiar theme of complaint on which he dwells in his moments of dejection. (Quote by - Samuel Johnson)
We had received complaints and the arrests were made by tracing the phone records. (Quote by - Ajay Kumar)
We've put extra effort into developing this program as an effective way to ensure that Nine Inch Nails fans get into the show with the best possible tickets, .. The only complaints will be from scalpers and those who want to put our true fans at a disadvantage. (Quote by - Trent Reznor)
We received many complaints saying that when the city is hit by rainstorms and becomes very dark during the day time, there is not enough illumination. (Quote by - Wang Xiaoming)
I do not think that the U.N. is really perceived to be taking sides in toto, but there have been complaints that certain personnel in the U.N. seem to favor, for example, the pro-independence groups. (Quote by - Dewi Fortuna Anwar)
That is a huge number of complaints to be filed for anything, .. Complaints are an indicator of what's going on, but not the sum total of the problem. (Quote by - Ann Fox)
We get complaints from people that certain properties are not being kept up. We look into it, and once we find the owners we send them a notice asking to pick up their garbage, debris and brush and their alley ways and ask them to place any garbage in its designated area. (Quote by - Danny Saenz)
The worst-case scenario is that the court would say that the impeachment complaint is unconstitutional. But the court cannot prevent us from doing our ministerial duty. (Quote by - Francis Escudero)
Last year, we had 3,000 wells drilled but fewer than 20 complaints. These complaints are for all types of issues, including water, noise and surface impacts. (Quote by - Bob Curran)