The philosophies and positions and principles of the nominee are not just conservative, they are ultra-conservative. (Quote by - Bruce S. Gordon)
The Conservative Party is no longer conservative, the Labor Party is no longer socialist. (Quote by - Rodney Barker)
Conservation means the wise use of the earth and its resources for the lasting good of men. (Quote by - Gifford Pinchot)
I think a lot of people in the Conservative party came from other parties. There wouldn't be a Conservative party today if people hadn't come from other parties. (Quote by - Tim Powers)
We had an important opportunity to participate in this process. We've been working for years to conserve diversity among New York's wildlife species, the Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy provides a framework to ensure this legacy will continue. (Quote by - David Miller)
We have every reason to fear that the president's support among conservatives will decline. I don't think it will drop radically, but I think all the indicators are .. that conservatives are really unhappy about this. And if his numbers among conservatives go down, his overall ratings will drop. He's already at a dangerously low level. (Quote by - David Frum)
Harper has hugged the center. What Americans should expect is a centrist Conservative who is quite different from the conservatives they see in Washington, D.C. (Quote by - Warren Kinsella)
This really represents conservation in the 21st century. To conserve globally important natural habitat worldwide on a scale that will be meaningful, we have to contemplate human use. (Quote by - Steve McCormick)
It's window dressing for the benefit of social conservatives, .. The president may feel that whatever support he will lose among fiscal conservatives, he will win from conservatives proud of him for bootlegging vouchers in the relief plan. (Quote by - Ross Baker)
They're going to turn against a Christian who is a conservative picked by a conservative president, and they're going to vote against her for confirmation? Not on your sweet life, if they want to stay in office. (Quote by - Pat Robertson)
State wildlife agencies face tremendous challenges attempting to conserve declining wildlife and dwindling habitats, while meeting skyrocketing wildlife conservation education and recreation demands -- all on a shoestring budget. (Quote by - David Waller)
Every named candidate is making a play for the right, and some seem to be doing a decent job of it. A year ago you would've said 'No way McCain would be courting conservatives.' You never would have said a Massachusetts governor would be courting conservatives. (Quote by - Brian Hart)
begin to put forward his conservative, or more conservative, credentials. (Quote by - Jimmy Carter)
When all is said and done with Beltran, we're being conservative. It's April. We want to have him for four or five months. Fortunately, we're off to a good start, so that allows us to be conservative. (Quote by - Omar Minaya)
Philosophically, he has more in common with liberals, who see no limits to state power as long as it is used to advance what they think is right. In the same way, Bush has used government to pursue a 'conservative' agenda as he sees fit. But that is something that runs totally contrary to the restraints and limits of power inherent in the very nature of traditional conservatism. It is inconceivable to traditional conservatives that there could ever be such a thing as 'big government conservatism,' a term often used to describe Bush's philosophy. (Quote by - Bruce Bartlett)
Conservation is ethically sound. It is rooted in our love of the land, our respect for the rights of others, our devotion to the rule of law. (Quote by - Lyndon Baines Johnson)
The Federal Duck Stamp program has made it possible for the Service and its partners to conserve vitally important wetland habitats for the benefit of waterfowl, .. This acquisition at Cache River National Wildlife Refuge is no different. But one of the reason's this program is so important to the Service's national wildlife refuge system is because the land conservation it makes possible benefits so many other wildlife species, not the least of which is the Ivory-billed Woodpecker. (Quote by - Sam Hamilton)
Canadian voters have been led to believe that American conservatives are scary and if the Conservative Party can be linked with us, they can perhaps diminish a Conservative victory. (Quote by - Paul Weyrich)
Seabirds are ideal symbols for ocean conservation, .. Because they live in a variety of habitats-including oceans, islands, estuaries and beaches-they can show visitors how all coastal life is connected and spark new interest in coastal conservation. Long-term conservation success hinges on public understanding and community support. (Quote by - Stephen Kress)
He's not a bomb-thrower. He cares about other people's points of view, .. In the hearings, we learned exactly what we wanted to learn about Roberts. He's judicious .. Bush stepped up in picking Roberts. He picked someone who was going to be a judicial conservative, not an injudicial conservative. (Quote by - Joseph Hoffman)
Utah is supportive of Bush because there is a high base of conservatives who approve of the job he's doing. You wouldn't support him if you don't hold those conservative values. (Quote by - Jamie Kaiser)
We clearly heard that members of the community wanted more permanent conservation in the Plan. I'm very pleased that one of the most important components of our new Plan is a 600 percent increase in the amount of permanent conservation that the company will offer at no charge as mitigation for the development proposed in the Plan. (Quote by - Jim Lehner)
The Catholic hierarchy has become more conservative. What we don't know is whether [Catholic voters] will become increasingly conservative, or .. stay swing voters. (Quote by - John Green)
I'm getting outstanding feedback from Conservative Party chairs. I met only one who supports Pirro, .. She (Pirro) can't win against Clinton without Conservative Party support. (Quote by - Edward Cox)
It is somewhat perplexing that fellow Republicans would attack a popular conservative governor of a very conservative state whose overwhelming re-election proved a conservative philosophy can erase the gender gap and attract a record number of minority voters while remaining true to conservative principles. (Quote by - Karen Hughes)