God fills the gaps of human need, Each crisis brings its word and deed. (Quote by - John Greenleaf Whittier)
A good deed never goes unpunished. (Quote by - Gore Vidal)
One should cultivate human values for healthy living. this calls for harmony in thought, word and deed. When you cultivate this harmony you will be free from desires and fears. (Quote by - Sri Sathya Sai Baba)
May we be saved from evil thoughts and deed of enemies of world peace who find pleasure in creating havoc and perpetrating all forms of carnage. (Quote by - Yahya Jammeh)
Whoever was responsible for this evil deed was certainly no friend of the peace process and no friend of anybody on this island. (Quote by - Bertie Ahern)
When a stupid man is doing something he is ashamed of, he will always declare that it is his duty. (Quote by - George Bernard Shaw)
Each your doing,(Quote by - Crowns what you are doing in the present deed,)
Therefore whoever shall do of good deeds and he is a believer, there shall be no denying of his exertion, and surely We will write (It) down for him. (Quote by - quran)
How now, you secret, black, and midnight hags! What is't you do? A deed without a name. (Quote by - William Shakespeare)
Don't listen to their words, fix your attention on their deeds. (Quote by - Albert Einstein)
Truth is the summit of being; justice is the application of it to affairs. (Quote by - Ralph Waldo Emerson)
And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. (Quote by - Bible)
I never did a thing in all my life, virtuous or otherwise that I didn't repent of within twenty-four hours. (Quote by - Mark Twain)
Any thought, speech or deed causing harms to other is 'sin' while anything which is beneficial for others.. gives joy to others is 'virtue'. ( Quote by - Atharva Veda)
Howbeit, because by this deed thou hast given great occasion to the enemies of the LORD to blaspheme, the child also that is born unto thee shall surely die. (Quote by - Bible)
Guru alone does such deeds, who has such pre-ordained karma. (Quote by - Sri Guru Granth Sahib)
Indolence is a delightful but distressing state, we must be doing something to be happy. (Quote by - Mahatma Gandhi)
The better day, the worse deed. (Quote by - Mathew Henry)
I will never sign the deed transfer on that property. (Quote by - Jack Ellis)
Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned. (Quote by - Peter Marshall)
The thought is a deed. Of all deeds she fertilizes the world most. (Quote by - Emile Zola)
An injury graves itself in metal, but a benefit writes itself in water. (Quote by - Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher)
He who carries out one good deed acquires one advocate in his own behalf, and he who commits one transgression acquires one accuser against himself. Repentance and good works are like a shield against calamity. (Quote by - The Talmud)
If the Supreme Court says we can [build], we will. If the court says we can't, we'll probably just deed it to our children. Sooner or later, there's something going to be built on that property. (Quote by - Glenn Richardson)
Those who by form did see me and those who followed me by voice. Wrong the efforts they engaged in, those people will not see me. (Quote by - Buddha)