It's amazing the improvements he made in efficiency of space. I don't think it puts a premium on (the sales) price, but it's a positive for the end user. I think that's invaluable. (Quote by - Michael Kosmin)
It's certainly what the Internal Revenue Service wants, because of the efficiency and lack of manpower it takes to process returns and it allows taxpayers the opportunity to get their money back sooner. (Quote by - Bob Grossman)
This means increased efficiency for customers. It offers simpler management, better storage utilization, and the ability to move files non-disruptively. (Quote by - Dave Donatelli)
The light bulb has been around for 100 years. It's a great invention and a great light source ... but after 100 years, you would think we would make some progress from the efficiency standpoint. (Quote by - Neal Hunter)
Your heating bill is going to be a lot next winter, and your air-conditioning bill is going to go through the roof this summer. It is important to be knowledgeable about energy efficiency. (Quote by - Ed Duffy)
Oil is once again robbing the industry of a return to profitability. Cost reductions and efficiency gains have never been more critical. (Quote by - Giovanni Bisignani)
Adept robots handle our smallest components with speed, accuracy, and precision far beyond what a manual assembler could achieve. The robots are so easy to program, we don't have to hire engineers to manage the process. The results have been impressive -- our lab efficiency and accuracy have increased dramatically. (Quotes by - Mike Cox)
Energy costs are a tough challenge for businesses, and The Gas Company's energy efficiency programs can help keep those costs under control. (Quote by - Jack Kyser)
Europe draws important economic advantages from its good track record on energy efficiency and is hence less vulnerable to oil shocks than other parts of the world, (Quote by - Stavros Dimas)
Rather than work in competition, which seemed to be a lot of wasted energy, we started to talk about how best to take this forward jointly to get efficiency and economies of scale. (Quote by - David Wills)
It's abnormal that all three should be active at the same time. That all three types of investors are willing to be active in the market shows that U.S. companies are very focused on efficiency. (Quote by - Som Dasgupta)
It's all about efficiency and smarter selling, and it really runs their business. (Quote by - Chris Newton)
At a time of record energy prices, when we are trying to break the very addiction the president talked about in his speech, it does not make any sense to cut funding for energy efficiency programs and research. (Quote by - Robert Menendez)
The transaction will allow greater economic efficiency in the build out and upgrade of our digital platforms. (Quote by - Paul Thomson)
Smart management doesn't trump everything. There is economic disparity. Part of it is luck. The Pirates and Brewers being near the top (of spending efficiency) is just a fluke of them cutting payroll as much as possible. (Quotes by - Gary Gillette)
We are very pleased to have experienced automotive people like Steve join our team. We need this type of leader to help us improve our overall operating efficiency while simultaneously growing our company. (Quote by - Earl Hesterberg)
We have implemented new systems that improve our claims-processing and appeals efficiency and accuracy. (Quote by - Tyler Mason)
It should be able to raise mining efficiency by some 20 percent and reduce the risks to miners. (Quote by - Liu Zhenjian)
Reducing staff seems to have become a central part of the executive board's strategy to improve efficiency...and we don't accept this. (Quote by - Erich Klemm)
I am delighted that Richard has agreed to join Lloyd's at such a critical time. [There] is much to do to improve efficiency and move to the next level. (Quote by - Peter Levene)
Our new home will dramatically increase the efficiency of our operations by consolidating our staff currently housed in three buildings into one facility. (Quote by - Jack Ehnes)
The goal of this program is to serve our customers within 20 minutes from when they sign in to when they are helped by a public counter staff member. We want to improve efficiency and to do what we need to reduce peak-load traffic. (Quote by - Bill Thomas)
The trouble with lying and deceiving is that their efficiency depends entirely upon a clear notion of the truth that the liar and deceiver wishes to hide. (Quote by - Hannah Arendt)
It is inexcusable for the White House and Congress to not even make the effort to find at least some offsets to this new spending, ... No one in America believes the federal government is operating at peak efficiency and can't tighten its belt. (Quote by - Tom Coburn)
The budget that came out funds less than half of what the recent energy bill promised for renewable energy and energy efficiency - the two most readily available opportunities to break our addiction to oil. (Quotes by - Jeremy Symons)