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Encouragements Quotes
This section contains Encouragements Quotes

When something has to be done, do it! In France we are full of good ideas, but we rarely put them into practice. (Quote by - Bernard Arnault)

A man should never be appointed into a managerial position if his vision focuses on people's weaknesses rather than on their strengths. (Quote by - Peter Drucker)

The way to get things done is to stimulate competition. I do not mean in a sordid, money-getting way, but in the desire to excel. (Quote by - Charles R. Schwab)

It is foolish to tear one's hair in grief, as though sorrow would be made less by baldness. (Quote by - Cicero)

Sovereignty is a question of principle. We must tell the Iraqis: you are a sovereign people. And you are in charge of your own future. (Quote by - Jacques Chirac)

It was a very emotional dinner. Everyone shared personal stories about her and gave her words of encouragement and inspiration. Everyone tried to remain positive. (Quote by - Lil' Kim)

I choose to rise up out of that storm and see that in moments of desperation, fear, and helplessness, each of us can be a rainbow of hope, doing what we can to extend ourselves in kindness and grace to one another. And I know for sure that there is no them.. there's only us. (Quote by - Oprah Winfrey)

It is worthwhile to live and fight courageously for sacred ideals. (Quote by - Norbert Capek)

Spiritual progress is like detoxification. Things have to come up in order to be released. Once we have asked to be healed, then our unhealed places are forced to the surface. (Quote by - Marianne Williamson)

Love the moment. Flowers grow out of dark moments. Therefore, each moment is vital. It affects the whole. Life is a succession of such moments and to live each, is to succeed. (Quote by - Corita Kent)

He who refuses to embrace a unique opportunity loses the prize as surely as if he had failed. (Quote by - William James)

It's not what you have to "do" that needs to change. It's first how you "think" that needs to change. It's who you have to "be" in order to "do" what needs to be done. (Quote by - Robert Kiyosaki)

The future may be made up of many factors but where it truly lies is in the hearts and minds of men. Your dedication should not be confined for your own gain, but unleashes your passion for our beloved country as well as for the integrity and humanity of mankind. (Quote by - Li Ka Shing)

I'm not a banner. I am an encourager and a persuader and an advocate. (Quote by - John Howard)

I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration. (Quote by - Hillary Rodham Clinton)

Friendship is a plant of slow growth and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to the appellation. (Quote by - George Washington)

Parting is all we know of heaven and all we need of hell. (Quote by - Emily Dickinson)

If you were all alone in the universe with no one to talk to, no one with which to share the beauty of the stars, to laugh with, to touch, what would be your purpose in life? It is other life, it is love, which gives your life meaning. This is harmony. We must discover the joy of each other, the joy of challenge, the joy of growth. (Quote by - Mitsugi Saotome)

If I set for myself a task, be it so trifling, I shall see it through. How else shall I have confidence in myself to do important things? (Quote by - George Clason)

Lynda Carter played Wonder Woman and was one of the first female superheroes. It gives me more of an encouragement that we can be strong and can do whatever a guy can do. (Quote by - Thuy Trang)

One very important aspect of motivation is the willingness to stop and to look at things that no one else has bothered to look at. This simple process of focusing on things that are normally taken for granted is a powerful source of creativity. (Quote by - Edward de Bono)

Whatever the composition of a firm, if it is to do good business it should be a place where everyone is encouraged to progress toward complexity- or at the very least a place that does not make it more difficult to achieve personal growth. (Quote by - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi)

I really want people to know that ve worked hard, very hard, to get to where I am today.. this did t just happen overnight. I started in business over 25 years ago and have found a way to build on what ve learned through every partnership and opportunity. (Quote by - Magic Johnson)

Today, whether it is a student who holds a sit-in to get the army recruiters off his campus, or the mother of a dead soldier who refuses to leave the front gate of the president's ranch, we continue to be saved by brave people who risk ridicule and rejection but end up turning huge tides of public opinion in the direction of righteousness. We owe them enormous debts of gratitude. It is not easy to stand up for what is right, especially when everyone else is afraid to leave the comfortable path of conformity. (Quote by - Michael Moore)

A leader leads by example not by Force. (Quote by - Sun Tzu)

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