Here lies who, born a man, a grocer died. (Quote by - Alfred Austin)
Dear me, I believe I am becoming a god. An emperor ought at least to die on his feet. (Quote by - Vespasian)
Inn of a traveller on his way to Jerusalem. (Quote by - Henry Alford)
This Mirabeau's work, then is done. He sleeps with the primeval giants. He has gone over to the majority: Abiit ad plures. (Quote by - Thomas Carlyle)
Farewell, vain world, I've had enough of thee, And Valies't not what thou Can'st say of me; Thy Smiles I count not, nor thy frowns I fear, My days are past, my head lies quiet here. What faults you saw in me take Care to shun, Look but at home, enough is to be done. (Quote by - Epitaph)
And the voice of men shall call, He is fallen like us all, Though the weapon of the Lord was in his hand: And thine epitaph shall be-- He was wretched ev'n as we; And thy tomb may be unhonoured in the land. (Quote by - Robert Williams Buchanan)
If this is dying, I don't think much of it. (Quote by - Lytton Strachey)