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Impossibility Quotes
This section contains Impossibility Quotes

In 1937, I began, like Lazarus, the impossible return. (Quote by - Whittaker Chambers)

We tried to talk about [the Owls' zone], but it's hard to replicate it. It's nearly impossible to penetrate that zone. What you do get are open outside shots. You're going to have to make some of them. (Quote by - Chris Mooney)

When anyone tells me I can't do anything. I'm just not listening any more. (Quote by - Florence Griffith Joyner)

Impossible is just an opinion, nothing else! (Quote by - Vikas Khanna)

To be content with little is hard; to be content with much, impossible (Quote by - Marie Von Ebner-Eschenbach)

I would not say 'impossible,' But, boy, it feels awfully close to it. (Quote by - Bob Kerrey)

It's almost impossible to get one of his pots. It's comparable to a Chihuly piece of glass. He's in that league. (Quote by - Lois Willman)

Each one of us is a statistical impossibility around which hover a million other lives that were never destined to be born. (Quote by - Loren Eiseley)

So often we dwell on the things that seem impossible rather than on the things that are possible. So often we are depressed by what remains to be done and forget to be thankful for all that has been done. (Quote by - Marian Wright Edelman)

Since they won't tell him what he did, it's impossible for him to defend himself. (Quote by - Daniel Perez)

From now on, nothing is impossible for Israel, which is a normal country like any other. We won't wait another half a century to sit on the Security Council. (Quote by - Dan Gillerman)

I am almost sure to be blotted out by death, but sometimes I think it is not impossible that I may continue to live in some other manner after my physical death . Or, as Hamlet wonders, what dreams will come when we leave this body? (Quote by - Jorge Luis Borges)

I've got to admit that it's the apparent impossibility of staging these shows that's part of the attraction. (Quote by - Tom Morris)

He wanted me to learn to stand on my own feet, and to make it impossible for me to thank him. (Quote by - Bob Crosby)

With love and patience, nothing is impossible. (Quote by - Daisaku Ikeda)

Getting the threat of breach entirely to zero is effectively impossible, even in relatively small enterprises. And the closer we aim toward zero, the more expensive and time-consuming it becomes. (Quote by - Ed Moyle)

If you keep at it, one day something which at first appeared impossible will become merely something very difficult indeed. (Quote by - Danny Paradise)

We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing. (Quote by - Mother Teresa of Calcutta)

It's impossible to say how many diapers we've changed, because back in the Ukraine we didn't have those things. We used other means. (Quote by - Vladimir Chernenko)

Men are generally idle, and ready to satisfy themselves, and intimidate the industry of others, by calling that impossible which is only difficult (Quote by - Samuel Johnson)

It is impossible not to react to the current state of affairs through personal action and artistic production. We have been at war for three years. One desperately feels the need for someone to speak some sort of truth, either poetic or factual. (Quote by - Casey Spooner)

Can he achieve the impossible? He's on his way. (Quote by - Colin Montgomerie)

It would be stupid of me to rule out ever being the leader because that's an impossible thing to rule out. I can't predict future events. (Quote by - John Key)

These instructions are making it very difficult if not impossible for defendants to prevail in these types of cases. (Quote by - Joel Androphy)

What Must I Do to Be Saved? It is impossible to ask a more weighty Question! It is deplorable that we hear it asked with no more Frequency, with nor more Agony. (Quote by - Cotton Mather)

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