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Minority Quotes
This section contains Minority Quotes

That cause is strong which has not a multitude, but one strong man behind it. (Quote by - James Russell Lowell)

The minority is sometimes right; the majority always wrong. (Quote by - George Bernard Shaw)

The only truly happy people are children and the creative minority. (Quote by - Jean Caldwell)

The Jews are the living embodiment of the minority, the constant reminder of what duties societies owe their minorities, whoever they might be. (Quote by - Abba Eban)

The test of courage comes when we are in the minority. The test of tolerance comes when we are in the majority. (Quote by - Ralph W. Sockman)

A minority may be right, and a majority is always wrong. (Quote by - Henrik Ibsen)

If a man is in a minority of one, we lock him up. (Quote by - Oliver Wendell Holmes)

Nicole isn't here this evening because she's working. I can say with some certainty that it's got nothing to do with Tom Cruise being in town for 'Minority Report'. Nothing at all. (Quote by - Ben Chaplin)

All history is a record of the power of minorities, and of minorities of one. (Quote by - Ralph Waldo Emerson)

It is good to see two women from Britai sminority ethnic communities fighting in seats that Labour won at the last election. (Quote by - Baroness Amos)

It is bad to be oppressed by a minority, but it is worse to be oppressed by a majority. For there is a reserve of latent power in the masses which, if it is called into play, the minority can seldom resist. But from the absolute will of an entire people there is no appeal, no redemption, no refuge but treason. (Quote by - Lord Acton)

The political machine triumphs because it is a united minority acting against a divided majority. (Quote by - Will Durant)

Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth. (Quote by - Mahatma Gandhi)

The political machine works because it is a united minority acting against a divided majority. (Quote by - Will Durant)

The smallest number, with God and truth on their side, are weightier than thousands. (Quote by - Charles Simmons)

How a minority, Reaching majority, Seizing authority, Hates a minority! (Quote by - Leonard H. Robbins)

The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities. (Quote by - Ayn Rand)

The minority, the ruling class at present, has the schools and press, usually the Church as well, under its thumb. This enables it to organize and sway the emotions of the masses, and make its tool of them. (Quote by - Albert Einstein)

Minorities are the stars of the firmament; majorities, the darkness in which they float. (Quote by - Martin H. Fischer)

Others, like many of us, like the "good Germans" of another era, turn our heads away from this human rights catastrophe against, in turn, another despised minority: the Palestinian people. (Quote by - Joseph Anderson)

It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds. (Quote by - Samuel Adams)

A minority may be right; a majority is always wrong. (Quote by - Henrik Ibsen)

When great changes occur in history, when great principles are involved, as a rule the majority are wrong. The minority are right. (Quote by - Eugene Victor Debs)

If the pendulum swings, it may swing to a combination of Conservatives and Liberal Democrats and, thus, to a period of minority government or coalition, in some form. (Quote by - Vince Cable)

A minority group has 'arrived' only when it has the right to produce some fools and scoundrels without the entire group paying for it. (Quote by - Carl T. Rowan)

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