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Miscellaneous Quotes
This section contains Miscellaneous Quotes

C is for cookie, it's good enough for me; oh cookie cookie cookie starts with C. (Quote by - Rodney Dangerfield)

Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper. (Quote by - Francis Bacon)

Life is something to do when you can't get to sleep. (Quote by - Fran Lebowitz)

The hand that rules the press, the radio, the screen and the far-spread magazine, rules the country.(Quote by - Learned Hand)

An advertising agency is 85 percent confusion and 15 percent commission. (Quote by - Fred A. Allen)

There can be a fundamental gulf of gracelessness in a human heart which neither our love nor our courage can bridge. (Quote by - Patrick Campbell)

A wise man is superior to any insults which can be put upon him, and the best reply to unseemly behavior is patience and moderation. (Quote by - Moliere)

Only a man's character is the real criterion of worth. (Quote by - Eleanor Roosevelt)

Sesquippledan', he would say, 'Sesquippledan verboojuice". (Quote by - H. G. Wells)

Only those who attempt the absurd...will achieve the impossible. I think...I think it's in my basement...Let me go upstairs and check. (Quote by - Escher)

Half the failures in life arise from pulling in one's horse as he is leaping. (Quote by - A. W. Hare)

All men love peace in their armchairs after dinner; but they disbelieve the other nations's professions, rightly measuring its sincerity by their own. (Quote by - Oscar W. Firkins)

It isn't what they say about you, it's what they whisper. (Quote by - Errol Flynn)

The genius of you Americans is that you never make clear-cut stupid moves, only complicated stupid moves which make us wonder at the possibility that there may be something to them -which- we are missing. (Quote by - Gamel Abdel Nasser)

I come like Water, and like Wind I go. (Quote by - Edward Fitzgerald)

I give my opinion not as being good, but as being my own. (Quote by - Montaigne)

I would not be happy unless I had some regular work to do every day and I imagine that I will always feel that way no matter how old I am. (Quote by - Eleanor Roosevelt)

Don't be so humble - you are not that great. (Quote by - Golda Meir)

Telling lies does not work in advertising. (Quote by - Tim Bell)

The nice thing about egotists is that they don't talk about other people. (Quote by - Lucille S. Harper)

If the human mind was simple enough to understand, we'd be too simple to understand it. (Quote by - Emerson Pugh)

I cry every chance I get. (Quote by - Richard Gere)

Every man has his own destiny: the only imperative is to follow it, to accept it, no matter where it leads him. (Quote by - Henry Miller)

I never apologize! (Quote by - G. Bernard Shaw)

Hypocrisy is the lubricant of society. (Quote by - David Hull)

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