The reason behind this cycle is the continuation of the occupation and the continued Israeli assaults against the Palestinian people. (Quote by - Ismail Haniyeh)
I can learn the person's social security number, occupation, the names and ages of the person's spouse and children, names of the person's names, the value of the person's home and property taxes paid on that home, (Quote by - Robert Pitofsky)
A lot of individuals have decided to take control professionally and have left the corporate world and have taken up an occupation they love. (Quote by - John Long)
We are realistic and we know things are done gradually. Being against the occupation does not mean that I can eliminate Israel in mere seconds. (Quote by - Khaled Meshal)
Perhaps after 40 years of occupation we ought to come up with an initiative. (Quote by - Moshe Maoz)
Frank Martin gave up on his old, former occupation transporting for the mafia, [and now] he just wants to have a straight life. [Martin] is the chauffeur for a kid and the kid gets kidnapped and he has to get the kid, (Quote by - Louis Leterrier)
the significance of the resolution is really to take away the concept of occupation, which I would say is the reason for many of the difficulties we've been going through since liberation on April 9 [2003]. (Quote by - Hoshyar Zebari)
The Administration is now starting to lose its base on the war, and if this continues, it will come under increasing pressure to accelerate our withdrawal, Squandered Victory: The American Occupation and the Bungled Effort to Bring Democracy to Iraq. (Quote by - Larry Diamond)
The truce is dead. By continuing its assassinations and occupation, Israel killed it long before it actually expired. The formula is bombardment for bombardment and targeting civilians for targeting civilians. (Quote by - Abu Qusai)
We're calling for an immediate, complete and unconditional withdrawal from Iraq. It's the occupation itself that's causing the chaos and violence. (Quote by - Dustin Langley)
At this point we're probably 30 occupation points behind where we would normally be going into this weekend. At this stage we're going to take care of the evacuees first, unless we get fully inundated. (Quote by - Russ Smith)
The longer we remain in Iraq the more our occupation becomes part of the problem... rather than the solution. (Quote by - Robin Cook)
The secret of being miserable is to have the leisure to bother about whether you are happy or not. The cure is occupation. (Quote by - George Bernard Shaw)
What is... disturbing to me is that many of these pro-Israeli lawmakers sit on the House International Relations Committee despite the obvious conflict of interest that their emotional attachments to Israel cause... The Israeli occupation of all territories must end, including Congress. (Quote by - Cynthia McKinney)
This is not news, ... This Israeli government is about consolidating the occupation. This Israeli government is about the expansion of settlements. So it doesn't come as a surprise at all. This is what we expect them to say. (Quote by - Ghassan Khatib)
That was a marvelous occupation and very successful, (Quote by - John Orton)
The international community has the moral responsibility of aiding a people under occupation; however, we will not beg for their money. (Quote by - Khaled Meshaal)
We will all be united in our call for the occupation to end immediately. (Quote by - Lindsey German)
About half the soldiers I've talked to feel that we shouldn't be there. There's only about 1 percent of Iraqis that support our ongoing occupation. (Quote by - Cliff Kindy)
So long as our land is occupied it is the right of the Palestinian people and their factions to combine resistance and political activities. Resistance and its arms are directed against the occupation while political activity is part of re-arranging the Palestinian home. (Quote by - Khaled Meshaal)
During the occupation of Iraq, both US and UK used cluster bombs which killed hundreds of Iraqi civilians. The purpose of using these bombs was to test their efficiency, not to kill Saddam. (Quote by - Bashir Ahmed)
Business more than any other occupation is a continual dealing with the future; it is a continual calculation, an instinctive exercise in foresight. (Quote by - Henry R. Luce)
Trying to make a movie one frame at a time is an insane occupation, ... But I think I have the best job in the world. (Quote by - Don Hahn)
It is Israel that must recognize Palestine's rights. We cannot believe in empty statements, twiddle our thumbs and watch our children getting killed. Israel must end occupation and aggression, and our actions won't take much longer after that. (Quote by - Khaled Mashaal)
LIFE: My favorite occupation. (Quote by - Dirk Benedict)