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Secrecy Quotes
This section contains Secrecy Quotes

When two friends part they should lock up one another's secrets, and interchange their keys. (Quote by - Owen Felltham)

Thou art sworn as deeply to affect what we intend as closely to conceal what we impart. (Quote by - William Shakespeare)

Because they commonly make use of treasure found in books, as of other treasure belonging to the dead and hidden underground; for they dispose of both with great secrecy, defacing the shape and image of the one as much as of the other. (Quote by - William Davenant)

As witnesses that the things were not done in a corner. (Quote by - Gen. Thomas Harrison)

Secrecy in suits goes a great way towards success. (Quote by - Francis Bacon)

A man can keep another person's secret better than his own; a woman, on the contrary, keeps her secret though she blabs all others. (Quote by - Jean de la Bruyere)

If you wish to preserve your secret, wrap it up in frankness. (Quote by - Alexander Smith)

But that I am forbid To tell the secrets of my prison house, I could a tale unfold whose lightest word Would harrow up thy soul, freeze thy young blood, Make thy two eyes like stars start from their spheres, Thy knotted and combined locks to part, And each particular hair to stand on end Like quills upon the fretful porpentine. (Quote by - William Shakespeare)

Never inquire into another man's secret; bur conceal that which is intrusted to you, though pressed both be wine and anger to reveal it. (Quote by - Horace)

These claims have no merit. Because of the laws protecting grand-jury secrecy, no other comments can be made. The investigation is continuing. (Quote by - Ronnie Earle)

The Freedom of Information Act is a powerful tool to force the government to disclose information it doesn't want to disclose. Today's requests will pull back the veil of secrecy that the National Security Agency, the Department of Defense and the FBI have used to hide unlawful surveillance. (Quote by - Corey Stoughton)

Secret enmities are more to be feared than open ones. (Quote by - Cicero)

Leave in concealment what has long been concealed. (Quote by - Seneca)

Let thy discontents be thy secrets. (Quote by - Benjamin Franklin)

The Oscar is the fantasy that you're afraid to believe in, but in the secrecy of your little dark room, you dream and wait for it. (Quote by - Terrence Howard)

While many polling stations around the country opened late -- and maintaining the secrecy of the vote was not always achieved -- polling procedures were generally followed by election officials. (Quote by - Emma Bonino)

Autry also directly criticized Parks. He said the FPOA has had some good leaders who put the community first. ... we are seeing a big departure from that ... Parks would rather operate behind a veil of secrecy, which is not good for the public or the Police Department. (Quote by - Alan Autry)

Be thou assur'd, if words be made of breath, And breath of life, I have no life to breathe What thou hast said to me. (Quote by - William Shakespeare)

This was a huge opportunity for the community to get involved. I'm very disappointed with the secrecy and the going behind everyone's back to hire this person. (Quote by - Donna Coleman)

He defers to economic interests over the public health, to executive agencies over the Congress, and to secrecy over the public's right-to-know, ... He's always tweaking the facts to the benefit of insiders. (Quote by - Carl Pope)

The better the information it has, the better democracy works. Silence and secrecy are never good for it. (Quote by - Kate Adie)

He only is secret who never was trusted. (Quote by - William Congreve)

Secrecy has many advantages, for when you tell someone the purpose of any object right away, they often think there is nothing to it. (Quote by - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

Public records should be organized such that they may be produced within at most a few days of your request. Period. (Quote by - Peyton Wolcott)

I usually get my stuff from people who promised somebody else that they would keep it a secret. (Quote by - Walter Winchell)

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