The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.
~ Best Friend SMS Text Message
The music may stop now and then, But the the strings will remain forever... .
~ Best Friend SMS Text Message
The nominee for best friend r u, u & u. But d winner is me because i have u!
~ Best Friend SMS Text Message
The only service a friend can really render is to keep your courage by holding up to you a mirror in which you can see a noble image of yourself
~ Best Friend SMS Text Message
The recipe of friendship:, 1 cup of sharing.. 2 cups of caring.. 3 cups of forgiveness &hugs.. Mixx all these together to make friends 4 ever..
~ Best Friend SMS Text Message
The search ended awhile ago, im not on the prowl anymore, n i dont plan on being on it any time soon. You took my heart, n its for keeps, for real, not for fake,. You are the bright side of my bad days
~ Best Friend SMS Text Message
The ship that will never sink is my friendship with you. I met U as a stranger, I leave U as a friend, as long as the world stands, our friendship nv ends. All friends nv split N even if they do they will meet again.
~ Best Friend SMS Text Message
The sun is glazing, upon the sunlight i see the path of our friendship shining brightly knowing that it is so great to have a friend like YOU!
~ Best Friend SMS Text Message
The test of friendship dosen't comes when u R 2gether. It comes when u part ways & u realize that despite the distance, the friendship is still there...
~ Best Friend SMS Text Message
The things I want to know are in books; my best friend is the man who'll get me a book I ain't read.
~ Best Friend SMS Text Message
The verb "to love" in Persian is "to have a friend." "I love you" translated literally is "I have you as a friend," and "I don't like you" simply means "I don't have you as a friend."
~ Best Friend SMS Text Message
The words that escape a friend's mouth r: i'll be there when u say u need me.
But the words that r unheard from a true friend's heart r: i'll be there... Whether u say u need me or not
~ Best Friend SMS Text Message
The world's most happiest frnds nvr hv d same characters, they just make the best understanding of their differences......!!!
~ Best Friend SMS Text Message
The years will come the years will go but with each 1 i wil always know whichever way the road may bend u wil always be my best friend
~ Best Friend SMS Text Message
There are big ships and small ships. But the best ship of all is friendship.
~ Best Friend SMS Text Message
There can be no Friendship where there is no Freedom.
~ Best Friend SMS Text Message
There comes that mysterious meeting in life when someone acknowledges who we are and what we can be, igniting the circuits of our highest potential.
~ Best Friend SMS Text Message
There is "And" bitween Sky and Earth, But there is
Nothing bitween Me and You,but this "And" bitween Me
And You is 'Anybody Not Disturb'
~ Best Friend SMS Text Message
There is a gift that gold cannot buy, a blessing dats rare & true, dats =
The gift of a wonderful friend like the friend dat i have in u!Ö§mäñ
~ Best Friend SMS Text Message
There is a golden bridge called friendship that spans the river of time and links out hearts together even if we walks separate roads of life
~ Best Friend SMS Text Message
There is a sense of belonging in a friendship & u notice it after a while,
In the SOUND of a VOICE
In the TOUCH of a HAND
~ Best Friend SMS Text Message
There is always attraction b/w +ve charge and -ve charge then why thereis always repelsion b/wme and you as you r always -ve and iam always +ve
~ Best Friend SMS Text Message
There is in friendship something of all relations, and something above them all. It is the golden thread that ties the heart of all the world.
~ Best Friend SMS Text Message
There is many stars but the moon is U , there r many friends but the best is U,2 4get me its up 2 U,2 4get u I will never ever do
~ Best Friend SMS Text Message