Fallen flowers can't climb back..."
So, dont think past, love the present..live the future..
World is yours..
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message
Cherish your vision
Your dreamz
As they are the
Children of your soul
The blueprints of
Your ultimate
Achievements ...
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message
You can't cross the sea
Merely by standing the sea
Don't let urself
Indulge in
Vain wishes . . .
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message
It is easy to perform a good action, but not easy to acquire a settled habit of performing such actions.
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message
The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will.
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message
Life is like a game
God like the winner
Lve the loosers
Hates the viewer
So b the player
Don’t care of critics
God will always be with u :)
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message
Wisdom is supreme
Make a full effort to get wisdom.
Esteem her and she will exalt you
Embrace her and she will honor you .
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message
Some people are making such thorough plans
For rainy days that they aren't enjoying today's sunshine.
- william feather
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message
Dere's litle difrnce in
Ppl, but tht litle
Difrnce makes a big
The lile difrnce is
The big difrnce is
Wethr it is "positive"
Or "negative"
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message
Floating down d flow needs no effort
Swimming agnst it needs effort
Don't go d way life takes u
Take life d way u want 2 go
Thk diffrnt
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message
The road of life twists and turns and no two directions are ever the same.
Yet our lessons come from the journey, not the destination.
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message
Without forgiveness life is governed by an endless cycle
Of resentment and retaliation.
- roberto assagioli
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message
Become a
No matter how dark
Things seem to be or
Actually are, raise
Your sights & see
Always see them, for
They are always there .
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message
How can u have
"charisma" ? ? ?
Be more concerned
About making others
Feel good about themselves
You are making them
Feel good about you ...
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message
Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true.
Leon j. Suenes
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message