Among the smaller duties of life i hardly know any one more important than that of not praising where praise is not due. - sydney smith
~ Praise SMS Text Message
But no one can praise roosevelt for doing this and then insist that he restored our traditional political and economic systems to their former vitality. - john t. Flynn
~ Praise SMS Text Message
Get someone else to blow your horn and the sound will carry twice as far. - will rogers
~ Praise SMS Text Message
For if there is anything to one's praise, it is foolish vanity to be gratified at it, and if it is abuse. - why one is always sure to hear of it from one damned good-natured friend or another!. - richard brinsley sheridan
~ Praise SMS Text Message
It is a sign of creeping inner death when we can no longer praise the living. - eric hoffer
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Trust him little who praise all, him less who censures all and him least who is indifferent about all. - johann lavater
~ Praise SMS Text Message
Don’t u ever wonder y people txt u but hv nothing imp to say! It’s 4 the simple reason… u r such a nice person 2 think of, like the way i’m thinking of u now
~ Praise SMS Text Message
Unjust attacks on public men do them more good than unmerited praise. - rutherford b. Hayes
~ Praise SMS Text Message
24 sweet hrs make 1 sweet day
7 sweet days make 1 sweet week
4 sweet weeks make 1 sweet month
But …..
1 sweet person like u makes life sweet
~ Praise SMS Text Message
A word of encouragement during a failure is worth more than an hour of praise after success
~ Praise SMS Text Message
I do believe in praising that which deserves to be praised. - dean smith
~ Praise SMS Text Message
Never change ur originality for sake of others. Bcoz no one can play ur role better than u.
~ Praise SMS Text Message
Most of us, swimming against the tides of trouble the world knows nothing about, need only a bit of praise or encouragement. - and we will make the goal. - robert collier
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I like to praise and reward loudly, to blame quietly. - catherine ii
~ Praise SMS Text Message
I pay no attention whatever to anybody's praise or blame. I simply follow my own feelings. - wolfgang amadeus mozart
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