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10 Dumb Christmas Gifts

Posted on: 11-05-2012

Weird or dumb? You decide.

10. Alien USB Collectible

Is this something that you would really want sitting on the desk every day? This is for sure not something that I would like but if you are a fan of the movie Aliens then you might enjoy this Alien USB collectible. If you don't think that this will give you or the person that you're buying it for nightmares then go for it. This would be a very unique gift that they might not have.

9. Brain Candle

If you would like to impress the doctor in the family or a surgeon then this brain candle might be a perfect gift for them. It's unscented. Do you know what a brain smells like? You can find this type of gift at places like ThinkGeek.com

8. Plush Sushi

Cute? Weird? Dumb? Your kid might like them. Watch the video below to find out more info on the Plush Sushi.

7. Useless Box Kit

This box kit is really useless. First turn on the box and then watch the box turn off by itself.

6. Emergency Inflatable Brain

A brain candle to go with the Emergency Inflatable Brain might make a great gift. If you ever find yourself needing some more power for the brain or if you think a friend might be needing more brain power for a test then this might be something that they like. It's also a great way to trap zoombies. You can also pick this gift up from ThinkGeek.com

5. Airborne Microbes Screaming Diseases

Spread diseases with the Airborne Microbes Screaming Diseases. Fly them around your office and gross people out at work. It's a great office gift to give someone if they get freaked out by germs.

4. Star Trek Enterprise Pizza Cutter

This might be a neat gift to give someone that is really into Star Trek and pizza. If you are not into Star Trek you might find this pizza cutter to be dumb.

3. Star Wars R2D2 Lunch Bag with Sound

The Star Wars R2D2 Lunch Bag with Sound might be a dumb but great gift idea for that Star Wars geek friend that you have.

2. Stab-Resistant Prison Pen

If you're worried about your friend stabbing you then getting them a stab resistant prison pen might be the best thing for you to do.

1. YumaLite

Could you really see yourself or someone you know walking around with a Yumalite? Might really help and work but can't they come up with something else that doesn't look so silly?