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Top Ten

Top 10 Weird Drive Thru Services

Posted on: 01-23-2013

Here are the top 10 weird drive-thru services.

1. Emergency Room Drive-Thru

2. Wedding Chapel Drive-Thru In Las Vegas

3. Prayer Booth Drive-Thru

4. Art Gallery Drive-Thru

5. Big Tree Drive-Thru In California

6. Public Library Drive-Thru

7. Crazy 8 Frozen Yogurt & Coffee Drive Thru

Needing some frozen yogurt and coffee but don't want to go in? Go thru this drive thru and get your yogurt and coffee fast. It's the perfect way to start the day and the prices are great.

8. Humpty Dumpty Kitchen In California

Wanting some eggs for breakfast instead of yogurt? You've got to try out the Humpty Dumpty Kitchen in California drive-thru. If you're not in a hurry you can always go in and enjoy eating inside.

9. Funeral Home Drive-Thru

10. Fire fighting Drive-Thru

In McMinnville, Oregon if you are in need of firefighter service you can now go to them with using the Fire fighting Drive-Thru. The first customer was Craig Brown. He was riding in his pickup truck and it caught on fire. Instead of getting scared about it he went to the Fire fighting Drive-Thru and they put out the flames. Craig was very lucky that the firefighters happened to be nearby and that he survived.