Eating roaches
Living in a house infested with roaches
Your crush making fun of your pimple
Your crush making fun of your very visible birth mark
Getting run over by a tractor trailer truck going 50 mph
Getting run over by a train going 60 mph
Eating a glass full of raw eggs
Eating a year-old banana
Kissing a baboon that just cleaned itself
Licking a janitor's plunger
Eating at the dump
Eating in the sewer
looking like a pig for the rest of your life
smelling like a pig for the rest of your life
Being Freezing and having a Cold Drink
Being hot and having a warm drink
Eating 5 maggots for $10
Eating a dozen roaches for $100
Waiting ages for a phone call you dread
Waiting ages for a phone call you really want