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Caring Quotes
This section contains Caring Quotes

What can we surmise about the likelihood of someone's being caring and generous, loving and helpful, just from knowing that they are a believer? Virtually nothing, say psychologists, sociologists, and others who have studied that question for decade (Quote by - Alfie Kohn)

There is no limit to what a man can do so long as he does not care a straw who gets the credit for it (Quote by - Charles Edward Montague)

When it comes to spiritual teachers, there are those safe, gentle, consoling, soothing, caring; and there are the outlaws, the living terrors, the Rude Boys and Nasty Girls of God realization, the men and women who are in your face, disturbing you terrifying you, until you radically awaken to who and what you really are. (Quote by - Ken Wilber)

The only people you should worry about, getting your idea, are the ones yo re trying to sell it to. (Quote by - Maya Elhalal)

Keep thy shop, and thy shop will keep thee. (Quote by - Benjamin Franklin)

Take care, your worship, those things over there are not giants but windmills. (Quote by - Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra)

But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me. (Quote by - Bible)

Who cares what you are just enjoy it! (Quote by - Kim Cattrall)

I don't really care if they like me or not. (Quote by - Heidi Klum)

I didn't want to be so shortsighted as to be worrying about diaper rash, and not taking care of bigger things, like nuclear war. (Quote by - Barbara Donachy)

Web users ultimately want to get at data quickly and easily. They don't care as much about attractive sites and pretty design. (Quote by - Tim Berners-Lee)

In the silence of night I have often wished for just a few words of love from one man, rather than the applause of thousands of people. (Quote by - Judy Garland)

Don't plant more garden than your wife can care for (Quote by - Proverb)

All Americans need a sense of place. That's what makes our physical surroundings worth caring about. (Quote by - Ed McMahon)

Caring about others, running the risk of feeling, and leaving an impact on people, brings happiness. (Quote by - Harold Kushner)

Drink does not drown care, but waters it, and makes it grow faster. (Quote by - Benjamin Franklin)

You have the need and the right to spend part of your life caring for your soul. It is not easy. You have to resist the demands of the work-oriented, often defensive, element in your psyche that measures life only in terms of output -- how much you produce -- not in terms of the quality of your life experiences. To be a soulful person means to go against all the pervasive, prove-yourself values of our culture and instead treasure what is unique and internal and valuable in yourself and your own personal evolution. (Quote by - Jean Shinoda Bolen)

I knew once a very covetous, sordid fellow [perhaps William Lowndes], who used to say, `Take care of the pence, for the pounds will take care of themselves.' (Quote by - Lord Chesterfield)

The main thing is to care. Care very hard, even if it is only a game you are playing. (Quote by - Billie Jean King)

We found that they were inadequately trained for the level of care that was needed by this girl. (Quote by - Gary Kleeblatt)

Are you not ashamed of caring so much for the making of money and for fame and prestige, when you neither think nor care about wisdom and truth and the improvement of your soul? (Quote by - Socrates)

You have too much respect upon the world: They lose it that do buy it with much care. (Quote by - William Shakespeare)

Who falls from all he knows of bliss, Cares little into what abyss (Quote by - Lord Byron)

What you dislike in another take care to correct in yourself. (Quote by - Thomas Sprat)

Conservation is humanity caring for the future. (Quote by - Nancy Newhall)

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