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Success Quotes
This section contains Success Quotes

If a man wakes up famous he hasn't been sleeping. (Quote by - Wes Izzard)

Failure is only postponed success as long as courage "coaches" ambition. The habit of persistence is the habit of victory. (Quote by - Herbert Kaufman)

If, after all, men cannot always make history have a meaning, they can always act so that their own lives have one. (Quote by - Albert Camus)

Success is counted sweetest By those who neer succeed. (Quote by - Emily Dickinson)

It's in the preparation-in those dreary pedestrian virtues they taught you in seventh grade and you didn't believe. It's making the extra call and caring a lot. (Quote by - Diane Sawyer)

What it comes down to is that anybody can win with the best horse. What makes you good is if you can take the second or third best horse and win. (Quote by - Vicky Aragon)

Success follows doing what you want to do. There is no other way to be successful. (Quote by - Malcolm Forbes)

Put your heart, mind, intellect and soul even to your smallest acts. This is the secret of success. (Quote by - Swami Sivananda)

If you have the will to win, you have achieved half your success; if you don't, you have achieved half your failure. (Quote by - David V. A. Ambrose)

Everything bows to success, even grammar. (Quote by - Victor Hugo)

The gent who wakes up and finds himself a success hasnt been asleep. (Quote by - Wilson Mizner)

Success is dependent on effort. (Quote by - Sophocles)

Never having been able to succeed in the world, he took his revenge by speaking ill of it. (Quote by - Voltaire)

Success: To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends, to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded! (Quote by - Ralph Waldo Emerson)

A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.... A determinate purpose in life and a steady adhesion to it through all disadvantages are indispensable conditions of success. (Quote by - William M. Punshion)

Until they are of the age to use the brain. (Quote by - Elizabeth Barrett Browning)

Sweat plus sacrifice equals success. (Quote by - Charles O. Finley)

So once I shut down my privilege of disliking anyone I choose and holding myself aloof if I could manage it, greater understanding, growing compassion came to me. (Quote by - Catharine Marshall)

It is abundantly clear that success tends to negate humility. (Quote by - Landrum P. Leavell)

Where there is a brave man, in the thickest of the fight, there is the post of honor. (Quote by - Henry David Thoreau)

Success is determined by those whom prove the impossible, possible. (Quote by - James W. Pence)

Progress always involves risks. You can't steal second base and keep your foot on first. (Quote by - Frederick B. Wilcox)

The road to success is filled with women pushing their husbands along. (Quote by - Thomas R. Dewar)

Success is the one unpardonable sin against our fellows. (Quote by - Ambrose Bierce)

Damon Runyon. A day-coach boy in a parlor car seat. (Quote by - Damon Runyon)

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