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Decide Which Situation Is Worse:
Which is Worse?

My best friend digs my crush

My crush digs my best friend

Which is Worse?

Changing a baby's diaper

Changing my grandpa's diaper

Which is Worse?

Losing a fingernail

Losing a tooth

Which is Worse?

Hairy backs on men

Hairy legs on women

Which is Worse?

Dumped for my best friend

Dumped for my worse enemy

Which is Worse?

Running out of both

Running out of gas

Running out of money

Which is Worse?

A lie that draws a smile

A truth that draws a tear

Which is Worse?

Leaving the toilet seat up

Not filling the ice cube tray

Which is Worse?

Calling my parents for a ride

Taking a bus

Which is Worse?

Eating a worm

Swallowing a goldfish