Benefits of the Revival
After the revival had concluded, the three pastors were
discussing the results with one another.
The Methodist minister said, "The revival worked out great
for us! We gained 4 new families."
The Baptist preacher said, "We did better than that! We
gained 6 new families."
The Presbyterian pastor said, "Well, we did even better than
that! We got rid of our 10 biggest trouble makers!"
Atheist professor
An atheist professor was teaching a college class and he told the class that he was going to prove that there was no God.
He said, "God if you are real, then I want you to knock me off this platform. I'll give you 15 minutes!"
Ten minutes went by. He kept taunting God, saying, "Here I am God, I'm still waiting." He got down to the last couple of minutes and a big 240-pound football player happened to
walk by the door and heard what the professor said.
The football player walked into the classroom and in the last minute, hit the professor full force, sending him flying off the platform.
The professor got up, obviously shaken, and said, "Where did
you come from, and why did you do that?"
The football player replied, "God was busy; He sent me!"