Vote For Your Favorite Joke
I can't decide!
A bus station is where a bus stops...
A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work station...
A preacher was completing a temperance sermon...
A preacher was completing a temperance sermon: with great expression he said, "If I had all the beer in the world, I'd take it and throw it into the river."With even greater emphasis he said, "And if I had all the wine in the world, I'd take it and throw it into the river."And then finally, he said, "And if I had all the whiskey in the world, I'd take it and throw it into the river." He sat down. The song leader then stood very cautiously and announced with a smile, "For our closing song, let us sing Hymn # 365:"Shall We Gather at the River."
Latest Joke Fight Results:
- 40th Birthday was a winner against A College Student’s Night Before Christmas
- Bacon tree was a winner against A guy in a bar
- A tourist wanders into a back-alley antique shop... was a winner against A father was at the beach with his child...
- A precise location was a winner against
- 747 Full of Lawyers was a winner against A blonde bought an AM radio and it took her a month to find out she could listen to it at night.
- An ode to old age was a winner against 3 men in Saudi
- Baptism Preparations was a winner against A customer sent an order to a distributor...
- A Short Time to Live was a winner against 40th Birthday
- 10 Things You Never Hear in Church was a winner against A pious man who had reached the age of 105...
- A sailor goes to a cementary was a winner against Atlanta School Board