The main products in the basket are still sugar, meats, ore, manufactured products, vehicles and agricultural machinery. (Quote by - Antonio Sarkis Jr)
Mr. President, it may surprise my colleagues, but I am no fan of federal disaster programs for agriculture. They are difficult to pass and often a disaster to implement. (Quote by - Pat Roberts)
It scares the heck out of me. It carves out an unprecedented exemption for agriculture. It seems like a radical departure from the way we have governed for a couple hundred years in this country. (Quote by - Tim Hogan)
Your future is still before you. Your land is a vast storehouse of mineral and agricultural wealth awaiting further development for the benefit of mankind. It potentialities are magnificent. (Quote by - Charles E. Wilson)
So we're trying to show them how agriculture touches people's lives. (Quote by - Suzi Myers)
I am committed to strengthening our agricultural economy by protecting the unique interests of small and medium size family farms so that they can continue to operate. (Quote by - Sue Kelly)
We are the only counties that work together to market our area for agriculture. (Quote by - Arlene S. Hall)
In an approximate way, the logic of commons has been understood for a long time, perhaps since the discovery of agriculture or the invention of private property in real estate. (Quote by - Garrett Hardin)
Security for agriculture merits serious concern by not only the agricultural community but our nation as a whole. The risk to the U.S. food supply and overall economy is real. (Quote by - Pat Roberts)
Oft did the harvest to their sickle yield: Their furrow oft the stubborn glebe has broke: How jocund did they drive their team a-field! How bow'd the woods beneath their sturdy stroke! (Quote by - Thomas Gray)
You have health care assets, and health care research, software, semiconductors and agriculture, .. Put it all together, stir in investment, and we can have a strong bioscience industry here. We don't have to be a big as San Diego or Boston to make a profound impact on the state. (Quote by - Ed Thompson)
We've based our entire economy on agriculture. Is this what we want to do -- ship all our water out of state?. (Quote by - Gale Kleinkopf)
Contrasting sharply, in the developing countries represented by India, Pakistan, and most of the countries in Asia and Africa, seventy to eighty percent of the population is engaged in agriculture, mostly at the subsistence level. (Quote by - Norman Borlaug)
The condition of the tribes which occupy the country set apart for them in the West is highly prosperous, and encourages the hope of their early civilization. They have for the most part abandoned the hunter state and turned their attention to agricultural pursuits. (Quote by - Martin Van Buren)
The transition area is designed for a combination of homes, open land and agriculture, so we see them all as compatible uses. (Quote by - Stephen White)
Those are agricultural products. We do promote Tennessee products. (Quote by - Lydia Lenker)
It would apply to all sorts of efforts like finding energy, water, improving agricultural productivity, and understanding the connection between health and the environment. It will give us an enormous advance in our ability to help save lives, and revolutionize the way we deal with severe weather events today. (Quote by - Conrad Lautenbacher)
Agriculture specialists say our farm production is increasing and will go on increasing. Thank God. (Quote by - Vladimir Putin)
The across-the-board cuts to all agriculture programs contained in the President's budget aren't a surprise. We dealt with that last year. But those cuts are a concern when we are still in the midst of world trade negotiations and when U.S. agriculture needs a strong bargaining hand while we seek reductions in trade barriers from other countries. (Quote by - Bill Bruins)