Open in his hand was a solid gift of the Church - or, as he thought of it at this moment, a gift from God to the Church, for a distilled grammar of faith and practice. The Book of Common Prayer its treasure was great and always ready. He loved the taste of the phrases in his mouth. (Quote by - Charles Turner)
He was a man of peace, .. He had managed to establish a spiritual dialogue between the Roman Catholic Church and other churches. We won't forget his message. (Quote by - Nicolas Sarkozy)
No silver saints, by dying misers giv'n, Here brib'd the rage of ill-requited heav'n; But such plain roofs as Piety could raise, And only vocal with the Maker's praise. (Quote by - Alexander Pope)
Various Eastern fathers referred to the practice of married priests in their churches, offering each one of us elements for a further careful evaluation of the choice of the Latin church to connect celibacy to ordained priesthood. (Quote by - Angelo Scola)
We're not attacking the Catholic Church. We're simply suggesting there was a time in its history when the church dealt with molesting priests in a much different manner than it does now. (Quote by - Larry Keller)
But the churches brought the humanitarian perspective that to a large degree was forgotten. We know what that argument is, but the churches were the best to articulate that. (Quote by - Angelo Amador)
I thought it was a really good contrast to have a really sweet, sincere, church girl sitting next to the church lady who seemed kind of, you know, over the top. (Quote by - Victoria Jackson)
Renovations will slowly modify and improve the church. We're going to keep a lot of things as they are. We have no intentions of losing any of the beautiful church architecture. (Quote by - Louis Zona)
I spent a lot of time in churches. If you go to a synagogue, someone is always asking if you're alone, if you're married. In a church, in a hundred years no one would ask. (Quote by - Peter Malkin)
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute - where no Catholic prelate would tell the president (should he be Catholic) how to act. I do not speak for my church on public matters - and the church does not speak for me. (Quote by - John F. Kennedy)
Whenever God erects a house of prayer The devil always builds a chapel there; And 'twill be found, upon examination, The latter has the largest congregation. (Quote by - Daniel Defoe)
The very cause of the problem is that not one church official has been disciplined, not one church official has been suspended, not one church official has been criminally held accountable. (Quote by - Mary Grant)
I have never met a happy atheist. I believe in separation of church and state, but I think we have gone so far over in the other direction of separating church and state. (Quote by - Dixie Carter)
If money is the root to all evil, then why do churches beg for it?. (Quote by - Agent420)
It shouldn't be the burden of the church to save the building. It should be the burden of those who want to save the building to help the church. (Quote by - Guy Rocha)
Given the history of this church, for some of the older members, it's a difficult thing to move away -- because they've put their hearts into all those expansions over the years -- but our church really has a heart for reaching people, and we've reached our capacity here. (Quote by - David Vaughn)
He talks of relativism .. the smorgasbord of beliefs he sees unfolding, and he is concerned the church will be assimilated if there is not an effort to resist it. That effort may not fill up churches right away, or win popularity contests. .. I don't know if it's right or wrong, but it's the framework he's operating under. (Quote by - John Allen)
I call this my church house trilogy. Souls' Chapel really was music from the Mississippi Delta, which to me is a church within itself. The Delta is the church of American Roots music. The Badlands is a cathedral without a top on it. And the Ryman has been called the Mother Church of Country Music, but to me it's the Mother Church of American Music. If you can think it up, it's been done there. In my mind, this is kind of a spiritual odyssey as much as anything else, and I had the settings of three churches to make it in. (Quote by - Marty Stuart)
FEMA has directly asked churches to become shelters for victims of Hurricane Katrina, yet they are offering no support to these churches because of FEMA's general reluctance to work with 'uncertified' faith-based organizations. (Quote by - Tony Perkins)
There is a kind of thinking in the Church that wants to reduce the priest to a mere functionary, a managing director, where administration rather than doctrine and worship are to determine the form of the Church. (Quote by - Arthur Middleton)
I bought three suits from him earlier. There is an image that goes with going to church. . . . It is a tradition that we have in the black church. . . . We have to go to church presentable as well, because people should recognize that we are worshipping. (Quote by - Glenn Ford)
When we started, I guess it came down to the fact that our connections were there, our heart was in the church, and our music is very different from the typical church band. It's not praise and worship music. (Quote by - Annie Wolaver)
He is a living icon for this congregation, and he has made so many contributions to our church. He developed our church orchestra. (Quote by - Charles Robinson)
The First Amendment was designed to protect the church from the state. It was not intended to protect the state from the church. (Quote by - Rep. Bryan Stevenson)
The church has no records that identify them. We could only speculate. We know who's not there. For example, we know the church's founder, Jones Douglass, is not there, because he's buried somewhere else. (Quote by - Rick Beggs)