God comes to us in theater in the way we communicate with each other, whether it be a symphony orchestra, or a wonderful ballet, or a beautiful painting, or a play. It's a way of expressing our humanity. (Quote by - Julie Harris)
There's a kind of dynamic quality about theater and that dynamic quality expresses itself in relation to, first of all, the environment in which it's being staged; then the audience, the nature of the audience, the quality of the audience. (Quote by - Wole Soyinka)
The theatre is a gross art, built in sweeps and over-emphasis. Compromise is its second name. (Quote by - Enid Bagnold)
A playwright is the litmus paper of the arts. He's got to be, because if he isn't working on the same wave length as the audience, no one would know what in hell he was talking about. He is a kind of psychic journalist, even when he's great. (Quote by - Arthur Miller)
I was trained as a neurologist, and then I went into the theater, and if you're brought up to think of yourself as a biological scientist of some sort, pretty well everything else seems frivolous by comparison. (Quote by - Jonathan Miller)
An acting assistant stage manager in a theater in Canterbury, a rep theater. A small wage but just enough to get by on, and I made props and I walked on, and I changed scenery, and I realized that I just loved it. (Quote by - Jeremy Irons)
Drama assumes an order. If only so that it might have -- by disrupting that order -- a way of surprising. (Quote by - Vaclav Havel)
I really would rather have gone to New York, since all my training had been in theater, but I didn't have the guts to go there alone. I knew only one person in New York, and that was a man. What I needed was a woman. That's the way Southern girls thought. (Quote by - Louise Fletcher)
I write plays for people who wouldn't be seen dead in the theatre. (Quote by - Barrie Keeffe)
One of the things I love about theater, one of the reasons I'll never give it up, is that it's fifty percent the audience's responsibility. (Quote by - William Petersen)
Socrates didn't care to visit the theater, as a rule, except when the plays of Euripides (which some think, he himself had helped to compose), were performed. (Quote by - Moses Mendelssohn)
I believe in things that move people, if the audience isn't deeply caught up and moved to either laughter or tears then I don't think it is theater. (Quote by - Estelle Parsons)
Normally our season is seven weeks in the Drama Theatre and four weeks in the Opera Theater. (Quote by - Graeme Murphy )
To treat a ''big'' subject in the intensely summarized fashion demanded by an evening's traffic of the stage when the evening, freely clipped at each end, is reduced to two hours and a half, is a feat of which the difficulty looms large. (Quote by - Henry James)
It's nice because working in England I'm know for working in television and theater when you get a chance to come out, it is quite fun to be out from behind the mask. You need to let people know who you are. (Quote by - Jeremy Bulloch)
I don't think about going back to the theater. (Quote by - Angela Lansbury)
I'm the end of the line; absurd and appalling as it may seem, serious New York theater has died in my lifetime. (Quote by - Arthur Miller)
I wore goofy hats to school and did musical theater. Most people thought I was a dork. But if you have a sense of humor about it, no one can bring you down. (Quote by - Zac Efron)
My love for the theater has always been a priority. That hasn't changed. I got into acting that way. The film work that came up was really a surprise. (Quote by - Philip Seymour Hoffman )
The oldest form of theater is the dinner table. It's got five or six people, new show every night, same players. Good ensemble; the people have worked together a lot. (Quote by - Michael J. Fox)
I had no training in the theater. I did not study it but just did it. (Quote by - Michael Ritchie)
A dramatic experience concerned with the mundane may inform but it cannot release; and one concerned essentially with the aesthetic politics of its creators may divert or anger, but it cannot enlighten. (Quote by - David Mamet)
Sir Larry could be very strict and a disciplinarian, too. He had many faces; he wore many hats. But, ultimately, he loved the theater and he loved actors. (Quote by - Derek Jacobi)
Theater in Chicago will always be my first love. It started careers for me and about 50 of my friends. We all love coming back. As soon as the TV show is over, I'll be back in Chicago, doing live theater. (Quote by - William Petersen)
When you go to the theater, if you're really involved in the play, you don't think about it - you're in it. (Quote by - William Kraft)