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Uniqueness Quotes
This section contains Uniqueness Quotes

Physical concepts are free creations of the human mind, and are not, however it may seem, uniquely determined by the external world. (Quote by - Albert Einstein)

It's the old adage, 'Nothing ventured, nothing gained, ... While this is unique, we consider ourselves unique. (Quote by - Gavin Newsom)

No matter what age you are, or what your circumstances might be, you are special, and you still have something unique to offer. Your life, because of who you are, has meaning. (Quote by - Barbara De Angelis)

The unique thing about the mobile phone is it's always with you wherever you go, but you don't always know how to get where you're going. (Quote by - Mark Elliott)

We're going to open that baby two years from then. It's really going to be something that is quite unique in Colorado. (Quote by - Trevor Horwell)

Ambassador Young is now in a unique position to reach out to Wal-Mart and CEO Lee Scott and urge them to change. (Quote by - Paul Blank)

National parks are national parks because they contain things that are unique on the national level. One of the components, the night sky, will be eroded away. (Quote by - Chad Moore)

These are unique features of the coastal landscape. We've got to do something to govern access. People never thought about developing these islands in the past, but now, it's just a matter of time before people look at them. (Quote by - Carolyn Boltin)

It is an unfortunate comparison to make. The mining industry has its own unique legacy. It should be judged from where it has come from over the past two years. It has come a long way. (Quote by - Vusi Mabena)

This gives Leeds something unique, something special. And it could grow to become something really big and long-lasting. (Quote by - Dave Newton)

I always find that what's unique to my clinics is the credentials I bring to the table, (Quote by - Luke Jensen)

The beauty of entrepreneurship is that it rears itself in very unique ways and this is an example of it, (Quote by - Candace Corlett)

Each diamond is unique, but first and foremost you want a diamond to pop and sparkle. (Quote by - Kyle Hain)

New Jersey is a unique state nationally when it comes to this issue. That became very clear with a governor's race in which candidates on both sides opposed an amendment to the state constitution that would limit marriage to a man and a woman. (Quote by - David Buckel)

I consider this to be a very unique program. I don't know of any other one like it in the country, quite frankly, because of our interdisciplinary approach. (Quote by - Lamar Jordan)

As the country starts to look more and more like everywhere else, this was about protecting our uniqueness as a tourist destination. (Quote by - Wendy Hudson)

It focuses on attention to detail, developing of practice and exploring our unique voices. (Quote by - Carrie Newcomer)

It is an issue DHHS works to improve constantly, and certainly not unique to this case, (Quote by - Greg Moore)

It's kind of neat having another unique sport here in Vail. (Quote by - Jim Brinkerhoff)

This guy is truly unique and that uniqueness is what has most people apprehensive. (Quote by - Brian Billick)

Reasonable accommodations could be as simple as a uniquely shaped pencil, an extra 15-minute break or a special computer screen, and employers don't know that. (Quote by - Emily Johnson)

The Jews of India are unique in that they're Indians before they're Jews because their society is so welcoming toward them. (Quote by - Dan Zuckerman)

Our belief so far is that we are seeing a fairly good response. We have kind of a unique product; we're not aware of any other merchants doing this. (Quote by - Charlie White)

It's a unique mix. I think the freshmen can learn a lot from the seniors. We've got quite a bit of talent on the front end. (Quote by - Jennifer Froeschle)

This is a very unique house. Somebody has to really understand it, really get it. (Quote by - Linda Connolly)

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