Wherever you may be it is your friends who make your world.
~ Best Friends SMS Text Message
Your friends will know you better in the first minute you meet than your acquaintances will know you in a thousand years.
~ Best Friends SMS Text Message
A best friend is somebody who knows every last thing about you, yet still manages to like you anyway.
~ Best Friends SMS Text Message
Your true friend is always there, not just for a day or two, but forever
~ Best Friends SMS Text Message
Ur look made my hour,
Ur smile made my day,
Ur laugh made my month,
Ur touch made my year,
Ur friendship made my life
~ Best Friends SMS Text Message
Yeah we're tight, and yeah we fight,
But through all of it, there's one thing,
That will never change, we'll be friends forever
~ Best Friends SMS Text Message
Love Is Not Only Made For Lovers!
It Is Also Made For True Friends,
As a True Friend Is
One Step Bigger Than A Lover.
~ Best Friends SMS Text Message
Life is partly what we make it, and partly what is made by the friends whom we choose.
~ Best Friends SMS Text Message
Nice friends r gifts not easily gained. It roots from one's heart & involves memories that stay.. Not 4 a moment, Not 4 a day, but FOREVER
~ Best Friends SMS Text Message
True friendship is like sound health, the value of it is seldom known until it is lost.
~ Best Friends SMS Text Message
A true friend is hard 2 find,is always in ur mind,is 1 of a kind...A true friend is sum1like you.Its wonderful to have you in my life
~ Best Friends SMS Text Message
Its just a beep heard by you ear. But if you listen closely with ur heart, then u will hear the message loud and clear: "you've always got a friend in here
~ Best Friends SMS Text Message
You cannot buy friendship, you can earn it. If someone comes for help, be a true friend !
~ Best Friends SMS Text Message
A good friend is like a computer, Enter your life ,'Save' u in their heart, 'format' ur problam 'shift' u to opportunities & never 'delete' u from 'memory'!
~ Best Friends SMS Text Message
If I cud give u a gift… I wud give u the ability 2 see urself, d way I c u, so that u wud know what a wonderful FRIEND u are
~ Best Friends SMS Text Message