I want you be hear
One day without you I can't bear
Like a person in the desert with a whole fear
~ Cute SMS Text Message
I wanted to send you all my love but the postman said it was too big !!!!!
~ Cute SMS Text Message
I was 1ns in pain .i cried and put my tear in da sea and asked the world 2 look 4 it. Da day they find will be da day i'll stop loving u.
~ Cute SMS Text Message
I was afraid of love, I thought love took time, like a fine wine aging in the cellar. I was wrong. Love is there from the moment you see that person, embrace it let it grow, follow your heart, not your mind..
~ Cute SMS Text Message
I was on a ship n thinking of u. I lucked down n dropped one of my tear in2 the ocean. Thn i prommised myself"until i find it i won't forget U
~ Cute SMS Text Message
I will always be by your side beecause you alwways make me the happpiest person i always love to be
~ Cute SMS Text Message
I will be a guilty.
Why they suffer about it?
Why they bored about it?
~ Cute SMS Text Message
I will Try no matter How hard I have to.
I will Try even if Life crushes me down.
I will not Give up & Try N Try to rise high.
I will Try to Fly & Touch the Sky, even if the world says U don't have the wings & you cant fly.
I will Try to win, even if am Losing.
I will Try to have Hope, even if there is None.
I will Try always to Smile, even if I m Crying.
I will Try to Sing, even if my Voice is dying.
I will Try to be Positive , even if I m surrounded in Negatives.
I will Try to reach for the Heaven, even if I m in Hell.
I will Try to Love , even if I have a Broken Heart
~ Cute SMS Text Message
I will wait forever, yet
You are a part of me.
I hold you in my arms, while you
Come to me endlessly.
~ Cute SMS Text Message
I wish I could be a dove to bring you peace,a cupid to bring you love,an angel to bring you a miracle but am just a friend and hope that it brings you...
~ Cute SMS Text Message
I wish i was ur blanket,i wish i was ur bed, i wish i was ur pillow underneath ur head,i wanna b around u,i wanna hold u tight, & b the lucky person who kisses u goodnite
~ Cute SMS Text Message
I wish I were a rose & u were a bee,I wud close u inside of me 4ever. Tebza
Ot tnaw TZUL I thpinboop YAZ
!..zma3rb T33w2
! .. YNNUZ z'ru
Canfused na? Read in a mirror.. Now.....
~ Cute SMS Text Message
I wish there is another expression 2 say 1:4:3, if only i can find it, i will say it, if only i can say it, then my luv for u will have full expression. Alfredtempo.
~ Cute SMS Text Message
I wish you were my Valentine
Though I may not be yours,
And I may, in my ignorance,
Be speaking to closed doors.
I have no inkling of your heart,
No hint what you might say;
But when I think of you the sun
Will just not go away.
~ Cute SMS Text Message
I would like 2 ran away frm u
But if u didnt come
And find me.................
I would die .
~ Cute SMS Text Message
I would like to be a tear, born in your eyes, alive passing your cheeks and dieing on your lips.
~ Cute SMS Text Message
~ Cute SMS Text Message
I would like to thank you! For all the times you have looked my way, for all the times u have made my day, for all the times things u have given me!
~ Cute SMS Text Message
I Wrote Ur Name In Da SKY,
But Da WIND Blew It Away..
I Wrote Ur Name In Da SAND,
But Da WAVES Washed It Away..
I Wrote Ur Name In Ma HEART,
~ Cute SMS Text Message
I wrote ur name in sand but wind wash it away.i wrote ur name in the sky but cloudes wash it away.finally i wrote ur name in my hurt as no one will take it
~ Cute SMS Text Message
I,Me, Myself, Yes me,I
Crazily, Think about you!
~ Cute SMS Text Message
I’m not sure what life could bring… I’m not sure if dreams come true, I’m not sure what love can do… but am very sure about one thing “ I like u a a lot”…
~ Cute SMS Text Message
I’m not sure what life could bring… I’m not sure if dreams come true, I’m not sure what love can do… but am very sure about one thing “ I like u a a lot”…
~ Cute SMS Text Message