Feeling of love
Moment of caring
Small small sharing
Stupid fights
Shoulder to cry
To be together in pain
Most beautiful thing called “love”
~ Decent SMS Text Message
Argument wins the situation but looses the person.
So never argue with ur loved ones.
Because situation is not important than ur loved ones!
~ Decent SMS Text Message
The purpose of a relationship
Is not to have someone who
Might complete you,
But to have the one …
With whom you can
Share your completeness …
~ Decent SMS Text Message
A great friendship is formed because of two reasons
First is to find out the similarities
Second is to respect the differences.......
~ Decent SMS Text Message
I opened my wallet,
Found it empty,
Searched my pocket & found few coins,
Searched my heart & i found u,
Then i realised how rich i’m 2 hav u…
~ Decent SMS Text Message
Absence is the best presence.
Because if people are absent then u miss them
If you miss them that means they are present in your heart.
~ Decent SMS Text Message
Don’t be disappointed
If the world refuses to help you.
Remember de words of einstein:
“i m thankful to all those
Who said no to me.
Its bcoz of thm, i did it myself.”
~ Decent SMS Text Message
People like you are found only once in a lifetime.
So you better take care of yourself,
Because i don’t want to waste another lifetime
To find a such a sweet friend
~ Decent SMS Text Message
Changing the face can change nothing.
But facing the change can change everything.
~ Decent SMS Text Message
Some promises are always unbroken,
Some memories are always unwritten,
Feel the magic of trüé r£låt!øñ
And you’ll know that some words are always unspoken(-_-)
~ Decent SMS Text Message
Message of the year:-
Women live a better, longer & peaceful life..!!
Why? Very simple…
A woman does not have a wife..!!!
~ Decent SMS Text Message
Strange but fact
We love ourself even after
Making so many mistakes.
Then how can we hate others
For their small mistakes
~ Decent SMS Text Message
If one star will fall everytime i miss you...
All stars will be out of the sky now....
So if ever there will be no stars tonight it's all your fault.....
U made me miss you so much!!!!
~ Decent SMS Text Message
As rain covers the sun.
Truth covers the lies.
Angels cover the evil.
Flowers cover the garden.
I wish and pray
That happiness covers all the
Worries of your life.
~ Decent SMS Text Message
Keep the lamp of friendship burning with oil of love,
Because sun rises in east and sets in west but,
Friendship rises in “heart” and sets after “death”
~ Decent SMS Text Message