Devote time to enjoy: it’s the secret of youth.
Devote time for friends: it’s the path to happiness.
Devote time to love and be loved: it’s the source of pleasure.
~ Decent SMS Text Message
Be more concerned with your character
Than your reputation,
Because your character is what you really are,
While your reputation is merely
What others think you are.
~ Decent SMS Text Message
Sometimes in life we think
We don’t need anyone,
But sometimes we don’t have
Anyone when we need someone.
So,hold good peoples around &
Never let your friends go!
~ Decent SMS Text Message
What do i do when i see someone extremely gorgeous,
Fabulous…. I stare,
I smile,
When i get tired…..
I put down the mirror !
~ Decent SMS Text Message
Why do we close our eyes
When we pray
When we cry
When we dream
When we kiss
Because the most beautiful thing in life are not seen.
But felt by the heart!
Definitely u,my friend:) !
~ Decent SMS Text Message
If you are an ice cream
Then u r so sweet.
If you are rose
Then you are so soft
If you are a star
Then you are so bright.
If you are my friend
Oh my god
You are soo lucky.
~ Decent SMS Text Message
The company of good people
Is like the shop of perfume…
Whether you buy perfume or not,
You will receive a lot of good fragrance !!
~ Decent SMS Text Message
Friendship is vast like universe.
Deep like ocean.
High like sky.
Strong like iron.
Kind like mother.
& cute like me.
~ Decent SMS Text Message
Future is not something u await!
It is something u must create!
Plan ur future in advance coz thts where
U will spend the rest of ur life!
~ Decent SMS Text Message
The rain makes all things beautiful,
The grass and flowers too,
If rain makes all things beautiful,
Why does not it rain on you?
~ Decent SMS Text Message
Distances never separate any relation,
Time never builds any relation.
If feelings r true from heart,
Then friends r always friends forever!
~ Decent SMS Text Message
Delete my name
From ur
Delete my msgs
From ur inbox
Only keep me
Ur heart 4ever…
~ Decent SMS Text Message
Friends are like a page in a book of life,
Every page with a different subject.
But best friends r d index page
Covering every subject.
Thx 4 being index page of my life.
~ Decent SMS Text Message
Midnight coffee,
Long chat,
Birthday bumps,
Bunking classes,
Crush on pal,
Fight marks,
Tears 4 love,
Just every thing,
People call it college.
We call it life…
~ Decent SMS Text Message
Relation is when someone hurts u,
N u don’t hurts back
When someone shouts at u,
N u don’t shout back.
But when someone needs u,
U always come back…
~ Decent SMS Text Message