He who buys foodgrain should not sell it until he has taken full possession of it. Muslim
~ Islamic SMS Text Message
When you cook soup add more water, remembering your neighbours. Muslim
~ Islamic SMS Text Message
The fire of jahanam will not
Touch the person who recites
“Allah-huma aajir-ni minan-naar”
~ Islamic SMS Text Message
Anyone who dies worshipping none along with Allah will definately enter Paradise. Bukhari
~ Islamic SMS Text Message
It is part of the Sunna that
A man should accompany his guest
To the door of the house.
~ Islamic SMS Text Message
Lets establish among ourselves and obey by heart the laws of Allah to lead a disciplined life and lets pray for the prosperity of the whole world.
~ Islamic SMS Text Message
Watch your Thoughts, they become Words! Watch your Words,
They become Actions! Watch your Actions, t
Hey become Habits! Watch your Habits,
They become Character! Watch your CHARACTER! ..It becomes your DESTINY........
~ Islamic SMS Text Message
Allah is not merciful to him who is not merciful to people. Bukhari,Muslim
~ Islamic SMS Text Message
To live in a world
Full of love and peace
I am a Muslim
And Allah I praise
For all His blessings
Myvoice I raise
~ Islamic SMS Text Message
Beware of envy, for envy devours good (deeds) like fire devours firewood. Abu Dawud
~ Islamic SMS Text Message
Significances of the prayers.
Fajar - increases de complexion or noor,
Zohar - increases Income,
Asar - Improv“s health,
Maghrib - good future 4 u r children,
Esha - peaceful sleep.
~ Islamic SMS Text Message
Don't Tell Allah, How Big Ur Problem Is. Tell Ur Problems, How Big Ur Allah Is.
~ Islamic SMS Text Message
If your good deeds please you and your bad deeds upset you, then you are a mu’min (believer).
~ Islamic SMS Text Message
1 Day we all will depart on a journey free of cost
Don’t worry about seat reservation,its confirmed
& Flight is always on time
Our good deeds will be our luggage
Islam will be our passport
Kalma will be our Visa
Grave will be our waiting lounge,
May you travel 2 heaven in 1st Class.
Remember me in your prayer.
~ Islamic SMS Text Message
He Who died knowing (fully well) that there is no god but Allah entered Paradise. Muslim
~ Islamic SMS Text Message