Never say HI instead
Never say BYE instead
Do not ignore your reality, u r muslim.
~ Islamic SMS Text Message
Religion is very easy and whoever overburdens himself in his religion will not be able to continue in that way. Bukhari
~ Islamic SMS Text Message
When ever ur in trouble.
Don't look arround just say this slowly,
Allah i love u and i need u,
Come into my heart now and show me the right direction.
~ Islamic SMS Text Message
The prophet (SAW) said:
“He who remembers his Lord
And who does not remember his Lord,
Are like the living and the dead.”
(Al-Bukhari) 11/208;Muslim 1/539
~ Islamic SMS Text Message
He who does not thank people, does not thank Allah. Ahmad, Tirmidhi
~ Islamic SMS Text Message
God said don't look around because you'll be impressed,
Don't look down you'll be depressed,
Just look to me all the time and you'll be blessed
~ Islamic SMS Text Message
If somebody innovates something which is not in harmony with the principles of our religion, that thing is rejected.
~ Islamic SMS Text Message
The strong man is not the one who is strong in wrestling, but the one who controls himself in anger. Muslim
~ Islamic SMS Text Message
Friend I have a special Iftar 4u
A Glass of Care
A Plate of Love
A Spoon of Peace
A Fork of Trust
And a Bowl of Prayers
Enjoy Your Iftar
~ Islamic SMS Text Message
God's spirit is like a Radio station,
Broadcasting all the time..
You just have to learn how to tune in and receive his signals.
~ Islamic SMS Text Message
Fear God wherever you are; let an evil deed (be) followed by a good deed so that you blot it out; and be well-behaved towards people. Ahmad,Tirmidhi
~ Islamic SMS Text Message
Perfume yourselves
With the fragrance of
Seeking forgiveness
Lest the stench of sins pollute you.
By Imam Ali (a)
~ Islamic SMS Text Message
If things r happening
According to ur wish,
U r lucky!
But if they r not,
U r very lucky,
Bcoz they r hapning
According to God’s wish!
~ Islamic SMS Text Message
What's the fastest thing on earth?
Nah. Sound?
Not quite. Light? Almost.
Answer: Prayer...
Because it reaches Heaven even before you can say it. Have a nice day.
~ Islamic SMS Text Message
Morning Prayer: i'll walk this day in faith dear Lord, No foe, no storm i'll fear, but trusting in your precious word, I am safe for You are near.
~ Islamic SMS Text Message