You are what you are and you are where you are because of
What has gone into your mind. You change what you are and
You change where you are by changing what goes into your mind. - zig ziglar
~ Encourage SMS Text Message
If you're doing something new you've got to have a vision.
You've got to have some north star you're aiming for,
And you just believe somehow you'll get there. - steve case
~ Encourage SMS Text Message
The secret of joy in work is contained in one word excellence
To know how to do something well is to enjoy it!!!
~ Encourage SMS Text Message
A 'sms' means i care enough to flex my thumb,
Search ur name, wait for "message sent",
Then think of you and smile as i say, "u are special!
~ Encourage SMS Text Message
We can’t afford to wait until the storm has passed.
We must learn to work in rain
~ Encourage SMS Text Message
When you start any deed maintain the the same zeal,
Confidence and possible efforts
From starting to ending.
Then success will be sure to you.
~ Encourage SMS Text Message
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men
Who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given
Than to expolre the power they have to change it.impossible is not a fact.
It’s an’s a dare.impossible is potential.
Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing….
~ Encourage SMS Text Message
The darkest hour is just before the dawn
~ Encourage SMS Text Message
I just hung in there.
I never gave up, and
I just said, i'm going to
Make a putt sooner or later. - vijay singh
~ Encourage SMS Text Message
It is good to remember the past but don't let the past capture your future.
The greatest thing about life is that it moves ahead and never goes back.
Just remember when it moves ahead, a new beginning starts.
~ Encourage SMS Text Message
It has been my observation that most people get
Ahead during the time that others waste time. - henry ford
~ Encourage SMS Text Message
The most determinative &
Motivating sentence which shud always be followed in life.
The race is not over because i haven't won yet.
~ Encourage SMS Text Message
The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely. - carl jung
~ Encourage SMS Text Message
God gave al of us a life 4 some special reason.
So dnt be a prisoner of your past.
Try to become the architect of your future.
Rock the world.. Love life
~ Encourage SMS Text Message
Life is a book, we all read it;
Luv is blessing, we all need it.
Always b happy, always have a smile,
Remember in this world we r just for while.
~ Encourage SMS Text Message
A race horse that consistently runs just 1 second faster
Than others is worth millions of dollars more.
Don’t compromise on 2nd position in life.
~ Encourage SMS Text Message