To achieve great things, we must not only act, but also dream,
Not only plan but also believe. Believe in yourself! Best of luck!
~ Encourage SMS Text Message
When we do a task, we’ve to cross 3 stages.
Fools stop at the 1st.
Losers stop at the 2nd.
Winners cross the 3rd.
~ Encourage SMS Text Message
Think of the days of health and pleasure,
Not the days of woe and pain;
Think of the days alive with sunshine,
Not the dismal days of rain.
~ Encourage SMS Text Message
Don't get disappointed whenever u fall,
Because only fallen leaves have the power
To touch great heights when wind blows...
~ Encourage SMS Text Message
Be just, and fear not.
Let all the ends thou aim'st
At be thy country's,
Thy god's and truth's.
~ Encourage SMS Text Message
Success is not permanent. And failure is not final.
So never stop working after success.
And never stop trying after failure.
~ Encourage SMS Text Message
Nothing is particularly hard,
As long as you divide it into small jobs. - henry ford
~ Encourage SMS Text Message
Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do. - benjamin spock
~ Encourage SMS Text Message
Berlusconi's advice to italians trying to escape poverty:
"do it my way and earn more money". - silvio berlusconi
~ Encourage SMS Text Message
As a final incentive before giving up a difficult task,
Try to imagine it succeessfully accompliced by someone you voilently hate.
~ Encourage SMS Text Message
Still, we have to keep trying...
Keep preparing to step into the light.
I know that is your goal, and it is mine as well.
In this we are the same. - james twyman
~ Encourage SMS Text Message
It is especially important to encourage unorthodox thinking
When the situation is critical: at such moments every new word and
Fresh thought is more precious than gold. Indeed, people must not be
Deprived of the right to think their own thoughts. - boris yeltsin
~ Encourage SMS Text Message
It’s not how close or far we are today but
What matters is how much we value each other in our heart.
For me you’re heaven’s gift, a friend more valuable than anything else.
~ Encourage SMS Text Message
A man should never be appointed into
A managerial position if his vision focuses
On people's weaknesses rather
Than on their strengths. - peter drucker
~ Encourage SMS Text Message
Mornins r reminders dat god loves u!
Ur not just given another day to enjoy
But a chance to right d wrong of yesterday. Gud am! >0<
~ Encourage SMS Text Message