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  Inspirational SMS

This section contains Inspirational SMS

Bodily exercise, when compulsory, does no harm to the body, but knowledge acquired under compulsion obtains no hold on the mind.
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message

In short, the habits we form from childhood make no small difference, but rather they make all the difference.
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message

For what is the best choice, for each individual is the highest it is possible for him to achieve.
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message

World is not a parking place,
It is a racing track
Keep on moving.
No matter when & where you start
But reach your goal & make new records.
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message

When people talk behind your back,
What does it mean??
It means that you are two steps ahead of them!!
So, keep moving ahead in life!!
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message

When i got enough confidence,
The stage was gone.
When i was sure of losing,
I won.
When i needed people the most,
They left me.
When i learnt to dry my tears,
I found a shoulder to cry on.
When i mastered the skill of hating,
Somebody started loving me.
That’s life!!!!
Enjoy life…..!
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message

Champions aren't made in the gyms.
Champions are made from something
They have deep inside them
- a desire, a dream, a vision .
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message

A young reporter asked him how
It felt to fail so many times. .
He said,
" i never failed once .
I invented the light bulb.
It just happened to be a 2,000 step process.
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message

Avoiding something doesn't always
Mean that you hate it...
It could also mean that you want it,
But you just know that it isn't right...
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message

Be a student of duty
Dont fall in beauty
Beauty spoils ur duty
Duty makes u beauty.........
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message

True freedom is n
Inner thing
Its a state of mind
Its a deliberate exercise
Of choice
If v think
V are bound by
External force,
V are deceiving
Ourselves ..
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message

Walking through life
Contrary to popular belief,
The great men are not born great.
God uses trials and turmoil to make them great!
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message

Wanting to win
Is common to all
Working to win
Is the real mark of
"c h a m p i o n"
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message

Ever see a baby
Learn to walk
Without falling down ... ?
You never will either.
"mistakes" are a part
Of the process we
Call "success" ...
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message

World is not a parking place
It is a racing track
Keep on moving
No matter when & where you start
Reach your goal & make new records
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message

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