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  Inspirational SMS

This section contains Inspirational SMS

To be yourself in a world
That is constantly trying to
Make you something else is
The greatest accomplishment
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message

A man is not finished
When he is defeated.
He is finished when he quits.
So never quit because
Winners never quit
And quitters never win.
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message

It often happens that the quotations constitute the most valuable part of a book. - vicesimus knox
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message

1) sometimes, god breaks our spirit to save our soul.
2) sometimes, he breaks our heart to make us whole.
3) sometimes, he sends us pain so we can be stronger.
4) sometimes, he sends us failure so we can be humble.
5) sometimes, he sends us illness so we can take better care of ourselves.
6) sometimes, he takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything we have...
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message

I prefer t0 be a 1st class citizen
0f a 3rd class c0untry rather than
Being a 3rd class citizen
Of a 1st class c0untry."
Proud to be a pakistani... ;->
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message

The generality of men are naturally apt to be swayed by fear rather than reverence, and to refrain from evil rather because of the punishment that it brings than because of its own foulness.
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message

Impossible is a word
To be found only
In the dictionary of fools.
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message

If you talk or say something
After you think about it
This is not a success.
If you think and talk or say something
This is you success of your life.
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message

S u c c e s s
Is built on the
A b i l i t y
To do
B e t t e r
G o o d enough
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message

In the chase between cat & mouse . . .
The mouse wins mostly, b'coz the cat is running for its food & mouse for its life . . .
Purpose is more important than need
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message

Desire is the key to motivation. . .
But it's determination and commitment
To an unrelenting pursuit of your goal
A commitment to excellence
That will enable you to attain the success you seek. . .
~ Inspirational SMS Text Message

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