Falling off a boat in the everglades surrounded by crocodiles
Falling off a boat in the ocean surround by sharks
Being blamed from something you didn't do
Not having a penny to your name
Chained to the floor and being eaten
Chained to the floor and starve to death
Being cut over and over again till you die
Being killed by decapitation
Being Stranded in the desert
Getting caught in an avalanche alone
Having one of your parents date someone who is older than your grandma/grandpa
Having one of your parents date someone who is younger than you
Being chained to your computer for the rest of your life and being able to use it
Being free (not chained to anything) and not being able to use any technology
Becoming blind and knowing what your missing
Being born blind and not knowing what anything looks like
Sitting down for ages and getting butt cramp
Walking around for ages untill your feet hurt
Having someone puke on you in the mall packed with people
Puking in the mall packed with people