1 day u’ll b srprisd 2 c me beside u.
U & me laughing,
U & me crying,
U & me dreaming,
U & me holding on,
U & me…
Just u & me sitting in a mental hospital & me checking u.
~ Friends Teasing SMS Text Message
The brain is a wonderful organ.
It starts working the moment you get
Up and does not stop until u get into the office…
~ Friends Teasing SMS Text Message
Sherlock holmes was an idiot and robert watt was a fool. One was a detective, the other invented radar. But neither of them ever discovered you. I’m a genius!
~ Friends Teasing SMS Text Message
Those innocent eyes… those kissable lips… a great smile… the perfect walk… smoothest talk… absolutely gorgeous.. Thats enough bout me - how r u?
~ Friends Teasing SMS Text Message
U r smart & gud natured,
I thank god i got a friend like u.
Feeling happy! Don’t be?
It was sent to me, i just wanted u 2 read it.
~ Friends Teasing SMS Text Message
You know you are a stupid?
Don’t mind i explain for you
So, you agree that you are a big stupid?
~ friends teasing sms
If you are in tension,
If nothing seems right,
If u find no way out,
Then just think of me only once,
I will be always there to increase your tensions.
~ Friends Teasing SMS Text Message
A baby monkey asked its mom
Why couldn’t god make me beautiful?
Mum replied: be happy the way u r
At least u don’t look like the person reading this…
~ Friends Teasing SMS Text Message